Mirror Image - Diversionary/bait. Runed for anything that makes them last longer.
Slow Time - Standard defensive ability. Runed for an effect that causes it to deal damage or induce status effects.
Electrocute - Electric damage for arcane resistants. Runed for AoE effects. Critical hits will stun. Used for single or few targets.
Frost Nova - Frost damage plus root. Runed for anything that makes the root more effective. Critical hits from cold spells cause a short freeze on the enemy.
Arcane Torrent - An AoE that you can direct while casting. Must have. Critical strikes will silence casters, unless it is a fire spell in which case it will be a DoT for crits. And it looks really cool.

Diamond Skin - The panic button. Runed for whatever makes it absorb more damage.
Blizzard - Runed for anything that ups the rate of freezing or critical hits. The cooldown on frost nova may make it rather prohibitive, so this is either a backup or a replacement. If it replaces frost nova, then Disintegrate would take nova's place.
Arcane Channeling - Increases resource regen. Rank 5/5.
Unbreakable Will - Increases willpower. Rank 5/5
Glass Cannon - Increases damage, decreases armor. Rank 5/5
Cruelty - Increases crit strike. Rank 5/5
Power Surge - Increases crit damage. Rank 3/3
Ball of Lightning - Periodically strike an enemy closeby for 1 to 120 damage. Rank 1/1
Penetrating Spells - Reduces enemy resists. Rank 3/3
Expanded Mind - Increases Arcane Power. Rank 3/3
Anything that raises defensive capabilities (ie, dodge, armor).
Anything that raises spell critical strike.
Anything that raises spell damage.
Anything that raises critical strike damage.
And maybe some life stacking thrown in somewhere. Charms are mostly slotted for willpower and vit. Maybe dex instead of some of the vit if dex affects spell crit for some reason.|||The Energy Wizard
Teleport -obvious reasons
Energy Shield - defense
Energy Twister - runed for bigger twisters for maximum crowd damage
Wave of Force - defensive and possibly runed for offense
Familiar - extra damage
Slow Time -extra defense
Arcane Orb- main killer
This Wizard is all about manipulating her surroundings to her advantage.
Another Build
Magic Missle - runed for as many missles as possible
Mirror Image- runed for as many images possible
Hydra- runed for arcane bolts
Arcane Torrent- runed for largest area covered
Teleport- defense
Energy Shield- defense
Disintegrate- runed for maximum damage for boss killing
This Wizard is all about distractions and having as many bolts and spells flying around as possible.
Just some different ideas.|||I'd like to update my build and such, but I don't know how traits work exactly. How many trait points to I get? Can I only distribute them in traits that are available, like, if I'm level 8, I can take "Glass Cannon", but I can't if I'm level 14? How does it all work?|||Think of them like skill points in Diablo II, except you only get one trait point every other level. Every odd-numbered level. So when you hit level three, you get a trait point in addition to a skill point.
You can learn more about them here:
http://www.diablowiki.net/Traits|||guided magic missiles, ridiculously awesome! updated my single-target-nuke rune information accordingly, some of you might find that info interesting for theirs as well

1 Wiz is fun but how about a dozen?
4 major skills aka skills with more then 5 points
Mirror Image- with rune that makes the images do damage (if that rune effect is really in the game.)
Teleport - with the rune that makes multiple versions of the Wiz
Suplamentel skills (aka skills with 5 or less points)
Storm Armor
Energy Twister
7th skill can be picked as needed.
Key Traits:
Soul Split
Ball of lightning|||please delete|||Am I the only one remotely interested in Energy Twister (tornado)?
I'm thinking Energy Twister, Blizzard, Hydra (havent decided which rune), Teleport (with hydra rune for images), Slow time, maybe some armor and a point in wave of force.
With blizzard and hydra being fire and forget, I'll be using the Twisters as my main skill. If I get into a sticky situation, the combination of slow time and teleporting with images should hopefully keep them at bay to recast on top of them. My only concern is that it'll take too long to set up. Hmmm...|||I'm not interested in Energy Twister because I don't like skills I cannot predict accurately or control. Kind of like charged bolt.|||Slow Time is an obvious 'must have' skill, as is teleport. I think the dark horse of the wizard skills will be Ray of Frost. I'm guessing it's going to be like a watered-down disintegrate with a chill/freeze component added to it. If that's the case, Ray of Frost will claim many a life.
I'm considering doing a frost build - Blizzard, Ray of Frost, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, all stacked with + cold damage gear, along with Slow Time, Teleport and one other skill to fill any gaps in the build.
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