A Wizard utilizing a Sword and Shield to smite his foes in melee. Wears heavy armour and plays more like a DnD Fighter than a Wizard or Sorcerer. Relies on survivability.
Ice Armour - Runed for slow effect or damage absorbtion
Wave of Force - Runed for knockback effect, to give the Arcane Warrior some breathing room in combat
Diamond skin - Runed for Elemental resistance
Energy Shield - Runed for damage resistance
Slow Time - Runed for life drain (slows time and ages enemies at the same time in some weird paradox)
Magic Weapon - Runed for "Tensers Transformation" style skill with stat boosts
7th skill as yet unchosen
A mixture of Generic and Wizard traits to enhance his defense and melee offense. Anything to increase the effectiveness of defensive skills or melee damage output, so Prismatic Cloak is a must have.
Very basic first one, will do a couple more in the coming days and expand them

A Wizard using mostly her arcane spells to attack and defend herself from foes.
Spectral Blade
Hydra - Runed with power to make arcane hydra
Diamond Skin
Slow Time
Mirror Image
Something that increases the quantity of arcane power and some protection.|||Did someone list all the skill rune effects and I missed them...?|||Hey everybody! I'm in the process of being overhauled with the revelation of the wizard traits!
Check back soon!|||traits are hard to summarize, since there's so much variety to them. Many were comparable to D2 passives; many chars had Toughness, which added 20% to your vitality, and there was an identical one for adding 20% to dexterity and probably the other stats as well.
I saw one that added 25% damage with axes for the Barb, and the DH had one that added 25% damage to ranged weapons. Those values are per point, and you could put up to 5 points into most traits. There were no diminishing returns.
I didn't look over all of the wiz ones, and sadly wasn't able to get video of the hovers to transcribe into the wiki. But I'd bet on a wide variety of spell enhancements. Probably bonuses to each type of spell damage, plus faster arcane regen, faster casting, lower arcane cost, and lots more.|||Intro: The jack of all trades; a pretty standard first attempt at a build that should be able to do most PvE.
Meteor (rune for straight DPS; either faster cast, more damage, crit, etc)
Magic Missile (rune for multiple missiles/spread)
Electrocute (rune for high single target damage; the boss killer)
Kiting/Enemy Geometry
Ray of Frost (rune for range, piercing, anything that lets you snare more enemies; damage unimportant)
Diamond Skin (rune for longer duration or shorter cooldown)
Wave of Force (rune for bigger knock back)
And the drug we just can't stop using:
Teleport (rune for speed/less cooldown)
Basically, a lot of the time you're trying to use ray of frost to herd a bunch of enemies into a small spot, then drop some meteors on their heads. If the enemies are too spread out or are pretty weak, you use missile. Bosses/champions/rare monsters you try and use electrocute. Diamond skin if something gets past your kiting, Wave of force if you get surrounded, teleport for any reason why you'd want to be in another spot instantaneously (which not surprisingly, is quite a lot of the time).
Traits should go for casting speed, critical strike (both chance and damage; math will give you the right balance) and maybe energy efficiency (if you're casting so fast, you're burning through gas). If you're quick enough, and good enough w/ Force/Teleport, you shouldn't be taking too much damage, so you can leave the defense traits alone. Also, if you can get good cast speed gear, you might be able to shift your traits towards proc-based stuff; the faster you cast or hit stuff, the more often/likely you'll be proccing.
Arcane Channeling
Temporal Flux (great snare)
Power Surge
Black Ice (good for Ray of Frost)
Penetrating Spells
Energy Reserves|||please delete|||THE LONG-DISTANCE GLASS-CANNON
Killing everythin that comes across me as quickly as possible while relying on my movement-skills as a player for survival purposes is my favourite playstyle. The build pretty much reflects that, as I limit myself to Diamond Skin and Teleport for defensive purposes. Also, the arsenal of offensive AoE-spells is widely spread to ensure flexibility towards high-resistance mobs at higher difficulties. At last, I rely on spells that allow mobility. Arcane Torrent or Disintegrate, for example, are no option for me as they require me to stay put while casting.
<<Single-Target Nuke>>
Magic Missile (Rune: n/a)<<Defensive Emergency Spell>>Relyable, long-distance, single-target nuke. I hate spells with random effects or paths like Charged Bolt. I want every single aspect of my Wizard to be under my control, avoiding randomness as much as possible. It will be runed to cast guided MMs! Awesome!
Diamond Skin (Rune: n/a)<<Movement Spell>>Sub-category pretty much says it all. If anything goes wrong, e.g. I'm being charged at by some freakily hard-hitting summoned demon, I'll cast Diamond Skin and Teleport out asap, followed by Blizzard as a long-distance snare in the enemies' path towards me. It will be runed to either freeze the enemy, like Ice Armor does, or absorb more damage. I chose to not put points into any armor, because my playstyle aims at avoiding proximity to monsters. Any points put into active armor would therefore feel like a waste.
Teleport (Rune: n/a)<<"Weapons of Mass Destruction">>Partly movement spell for brainless boss grinding (even though the dev team repeatedly said that this is not gonna be the most effective way to get loot). Partly for defensive purposes in case of emergency like being surrounded. Gameplay videos show that they like to include scripts with mobs spawning all around you. That'd probably be one of those cases. It will be runed to reduce cooldown as a reduced cooldown would serve both purposes.
Blizzard (Rune: n/a)Serves as my long-distance snare, cast into the enemies' direct path towards me in order to ensure a maximum snare effect while most probably doing quite some damage in the meantime. If possible, it will be runed to imporve the range, radius or even better: the snare effect. Because slower enemies, effectively creating slowed chunks of mobs while trying to reach me, are perfect targets for my other AoE-spells.Meteor (Rune: n/a)Kill 'em all! Cast onto the area where I put my Blizzard before. If possible, I want to rune any cooldown away as to create a rain of Meteors from above and a carpet of fire below everything moving. If cooldown-reduction is not possible, it's gonna be maximum damage output, of course.
Hydra (Alabaster Rune)<<Fulfilling further Needs>>The third AoE-element in my arsenal. Meteor for fire, Blizzard for cold, Alabaster-Hydra for arcane damage. Also, it's a nice fire-and-forget spell to put in the area between me and them, probably increasing the chance for the Hydra to target whatever is getting a little too close to me.
Electrocute/Frost Nova/Slow Time (Rune: n/a)Depending on how effective my single-target and AoE turns out to be, Electrocute can be modified by runes to either help as a nuke or as my fourth type of AoE-damage. After all, this seventh slot could even be filled with Frost Nova or Slow Time if I realize that good movement and one emergency spell is not quite enough as a defense or if Blizzard as a long-distance snare is not working very well and I need a second one to effectively nuke with Meteor.
Glass Cannon
XXX Specialization
Enemy Type Specialization
Temporary Flux
Soul Split
Power Surge
Penetrating Spells
...those are all candidates for my maximum damage output oriented Glass Cannon build.
Thanks for reading, feedback appreciated

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