the one thing i don't get is. if the wizard's in this game are meant to be asian-esque, why does the male wizard look north american? only the female looks asian.which basically says that wizard's can come from any culture in this world. though, no other class has had 2 completely seperate eccentricities for the male and female. so maybe that was a mistake. who knows.
Hmmm .. the Male wizard seems very Asian to me (in the artwork that is since we never got a close look at the in-game model) ... i mean .. what isn't "Asian" about him .. really.

The long hair
The small beard
The look and attitude of a yakuza or a Chinese gangster
He might look a little like an Asian-American but still the Asian look is there .. it wouldn't make sense at all if one gender of a class is from an ethnicity and the other from a different one.|||OP is a racist troll.
D2's assassin was most certainly inspired by Asian cultures.|||Asian, European, African (and so forth).
This is the _diablo world_, we shouldn't bother with such IRL details

a) The name. It's too Harry Potter-esque and kiddish. "Sorcerer" and "Necromancer" are much more fitting name for diablo characters than "Wizard". Blah.
b) The wizard's appearance in my eyes does not fit with the gothic theme... unlike virtually every other playable character in the diablo franchise, the wizard is just some teenager going around casting flashy spells... it's as if Blizzard is trying to make a class thats young and "hip" to appeal to a very mainstream audience. The only other character that shared some of these characteristics was the Sorceress in D2. However at least the sorceress had a clothing style that was unique to diablo, unlike the wizard who has the same sort of uninspired look that we see in games like WoW and Guild Wars. Boring.
c) The wizard skills that we have seen in action have been hit and miss. Some skills like disintigrate and frost nova look pretty cool. But other skills like that one in the gameplay trailer that looks like a melee attack.. I forget what it's called but it looks totally boring. And "Freeze Time"? Give me a break, if a character is capable of freezing time, it would be the most powerful being in the world. They should keep the skills simple and to the point like in the previous diablo games. Some of these skills just aren't diablo-esque... They need to bring back Frozen Orb... the single coolest spell in any game I have ever played. Oh yeah and is it just me or is there no more fire wall spell? Fire wall has been a staple of diablo, wtf!
edit: upon further review, I must say the male wizard does not look that lame... but the female just looks like a dumb teenage slut...|||Stop time? I haven't seen that yet, 'cause indeed that would be OP. Or at least most likely.
Slow time however... very interesting skill which I can see being used offensively and defensively.|||I wish Blizzard would just release more videos and photos of the male Wiz up close already. We've already had glimpses of him, so his model's obviously finished. Why not give us a good look? The anticipation is painful. :P
And I agree with windforce about the moniker "Wizard". It's not a deal breaker for me, but the term does seem a little... uninspired. I disagree with him, however, on the female Wiz's look. I like it, makes her look kind of hip and edgy IMO.

I'm not going to touch on the rightful place of Asian-themed influences in the established games and lore (mostly since people have already disproved this claim). Instead I'm going to touch a little bit on the historical argument.
it was mostly a middle ages theme fantasy world were people were mostly european or middle eastern looking as the gothic atmosphere pretty much deals with european medieval period with fantasy fair.
For starters, the "Middle Ages" constituted a long period of time, roughly a millenium (that's a thousand years on the odd chance anyone missed that). Given that immense time frame, a lot happened. This included Muslim conquests in the 7th and 8th centuries, the Mongol empire in the 13th and 14th centuries, and of course the Crusades (which if I correctly gathered, is what most of you are basing your assumptions of the era on). All this and I haven't even touched on the Huns or Russia (which when blended with East Asian influences, gave birth to Natalya and the Assassin class). So, what do all these things have in common? The Middle East, Russia, the Huns, the Mongols? They're all Asian and they're very much a part of the Middle Ages.
To be fair, the original poster is largely talking about East Asian influences, so we'll eliminate the Middle East and Russia from the discussion. Fair enough. But the Huns, and even more to the point, the Mongols, are very much of the Asian influence that is being discussed here. Both of these peoples left a huge mark on the Europe of the Middle Ages influences, be it by established trade routes or outright invasion. I'd invite the naysayers to take a little trip through the history books.
So... if the opinion that Asian influences shouldn't have a place in the Diablo world stems simply from a dislike of those cultures or peoples then so be it - I'm not trying to change your views but there is, afterall, more to them than anime influence. But if the argument is that they don't have an established place in the previous games and lore - or even more to the point - in history, then the OP is mistaken.
[Sidebar: For the record, I'm not Asian nor have I been to Asia. I'm a corn-fed white boy from the Midwest with German, Welsh, and Irish heritage. I'm not stumping from the racial soapbox.]|||@Corvinas Medieval term or Middle ages are term use for Europe history as it speaks about period in Europe history Excalibur etc. Gothic is term used for Europe only too.
Read here
I got impression that you didn't understand topic, it about that Asian do not fit wizard class because it is out from stereotype. That's all.
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