The beam does 66 displayed damage. 66% of that (res, pvp penalty, anything could reduce it) is the 44 he's missing (well, 43 assuming he was 351 HP from 394).
Also interesting is that the white out either missed in the first, or was triggered by the crit hit.
Different placement makes me think it was either a different attack dealing damage (not likely), or that it was just old and the effect had worn off by then.
Hmm, then why the crit change in text...probably just because it's different.|||Quote:
It also happens at 15:39. Dmg shows as 22, then purple ray and 44 dmg is the next pop up. I found an old quote about a Blizzcon 2008 panel that backs up my old memories of the skill's function.
Clearly the disintegrate beam is turning purple and going to double damage after it locks on for a second, as part of the skill's function. So: 1) Is the dmg a critical hit, or 2) does the skill's basic function double in damage/turn purple after X time locked on, and crits are calculated as a bonus on top of that?
I'd vote for #1. Since the PvP shows damage dealt, it would surely include crit damage. If the skill were doing double, and sometimes it does double + critical, you'd think that number would pop up, and that number would probably be too high: 4x damage from such an easy to hit with spell would be crazy, eh?
looks like u are going to play wizard a lot, hehe

well, i think option 1 is wrong just because:
- crits are random (u can get a crit at 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec or any other second, or dont get it). So if there were no crits, beam would still be orange, but we see it goes purple every time wizard attack someone
- the time needed to become purple is always the same as i noticed (time of actuall "cooking")
- also looks like crit numbers are yellow, not-crit numbers are white? or crit numbers are just bigger? if yes, whats the difference between white and yellow numbers? can u plz highlight this issue too
also, about "void ray" - the void ray, itself, need some time to "warmup" and then it will deal bigger damage to ANY target it attacks.
wizard does more damage to ONE target, who were "cooked" for some time, so if he switches target the damage will go to lowest value, the process will start again|||I made another one, cause they're fun to do. This one throws confusion on the issue. There's double damage without turning purple. And then there's double damage with turning purple.
My theory is that the double damage is the skill's inherent "increases damage with lock on" property. The purple is a critical hit, which is scored independently of the double damage, but is very likely to occur at about the same time, since the more hits = more chances for critical.

There's another one right after this pic, at 16:57, where the Wizard scores 5 hits point blank on a WD. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th are all double damage, the 5th goes back to single damage, but the beam never goes red.
I don't get the Barb's damage taken on this one. A few of the numbers correlate almost exactly to the displayed damage, but others seem way off, and he doesn't seem to be taking damage from any other source.
I don't think this was a rune property, but imagine if the damage dealt were varying by the skill/rune causing it to bypass some/all of the Barb's resistance? That would be a nifty rune effect, though fairly subtle to notice in the heat of battle.|||nice job Flux
now i see my theory about beam going purple every time is wrong, hmmm.
fourth hit(15) visually looks like crit to me (digits are big), so looks like u are right here - crit triggers purple color, but how long beam will stay purple?
the biggest question here is still the role of the rune, i remember jay was talking something like "we dont want runes change only stats, we want them change skill visually"|||The size of the numbers doesn't mean anything except how long after they first appeared I took the screenshot. All of the display texts (block, stun, immune, dmg, etc) pop up large and then fade in size over time.
I haven't gone over all of the disintegrate portions of the movie frame by frame, but in the 3 i've looked at (2 shot above) the purple only stops when the target is lost, or the wiz stops using Disintegrate.
Which seems to argue against it being part of a critical hit trigger; if purple showed critical it should be flickering on all the time, not turning on after some time and then staying on.
On the other hand, why would the beam stay red and deliver multiple 2x damage in a row? Critical hit bonus damage shouldn't be 50% or more of the time, should it?
The inconsistencies in this are making me curious enough I might have to spend the time to look at all of the wiz disintegrates in that movie, just to try to figure out the mechanics. Pfffft.|||Everything seems to contradict itself over and over again

Dunno what made it go Purple when it did though, as it don't make sense it should of gone purple on second hit IMO.|||Ignore the pop-up numbers and concentrate on the HP bars in the video frame by frame.
Here comes the simple truth: PURPLE MEANS DAMAGE OUTPUT DOUBLED.
Disintegrate damage ticks every 6 frames.
Red damage per tick is around 15, crit around 22.
Purple damage per tick is around 29, crit around 44.
And the beam always turns purple 0.8S-0.85S (AROUND 25 FRAMES) AFTER STARTING CHANNELING.
18:00-18:05 in the video also shows that CHANGING TARGET WON'T REDUCE THE PURPLE DAMAGE.
The pop-up numbers are pretty bugged. Maybe they are accumulated damage in a very short period, since they are always like 15-29-44 sequence when red and 29-58-87 sequence when purple? Well, hope they fix that soon...|||Could it be a overheating visual.
IF beam turns purple
THEN only usable for X seconds
IF NOT stop use within those X seconds
THEN hp-loss, huge cooldowntime, instadeath?
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