I thought that the Sorceress looked to be more of a middle eastern/egyptian type. She had the clothes to go with that as well. And it was the D1 heroes that all went mad. We still don't know what happened to the D1 heroes, other than the Barbarian.
As for the theory, I actually think it's a pretty interesting one, but Nephalem are the product of angels and demons mating, aren't they? Why would they start making babies at a time like this?
There are no humans in the world of Sanctuary, they are ALL Nephalem as was revealed in the books. They just couldn't manifest their powers due to the dampening effect of the Worldstone. With the Worldstone gone, they can once again start to reclaim their birthright that was once denied them.
Although it's going to be awhile before we see someone with the power of Uldyssian (sp?).|||Quote:
And on a slightly separate note, does anyone think/hope that the Wizard might have an Assassin on her tail following this incident? Perhaps one the Wizard has to duel time and again over the course of the game? Sounds to me like a good place for the D2 Assassin to make a cameo.
I like this idea, the D2 Assassin doesn't even have to be corrupt. She would be doing what she thinks is right, so ideally, the wizard would fight her by herself - no zombies or monsters helping the Assassin.|||@ peasant : Of course what you say is viable no doubt. I think it would be cooler if what I theorized was the case. It fits very nicely into the existing lore. Yes, I think I read in another thread which was specualting about D2 heroes making an appearance in D3, and the assssin tracking down the wizard was a popular idea.
@tragedian: I think I read somewhere that the D2 heroes also went mad, not entirely sure. I'll try to find a source. If anyone else can verify this ..? And yes, as Drytchnath pointed out, all humanity/nephalem has common ancestors in demons and angels, and hereby have untapped power, not just the first generation of offspring. It was the Wordstone that was keeping it suppressed.|||Quote:
There are no humans in the world of Sanctuary, they are ALL Nephalem as was revealed in the books. They just couldn't manifest their powers due to the dampening effect of the Worldstone. With the Worldstone gone, they can once again start to reclaim their birthright that was once denied them.
Although it's going to be awhile before we see someone with the power of Uldyssian (sp?).
Nephalem lost their powers little by little every generation until they became current humans. Don't think they can just recover them this fast. Thought the Wizard may have more magic than she would if it was still around. One of the devs said the Barb was drawing on the power of his ancestors to explain his new over the top skills. Can't remember but I believe he said it was possible because the World Stone is gone.|||itd probably be more like a visit from Natalya again. in town but not someone u fight. i mean seriously... u dont think she would face u in open combat do u? shed be like oh mind blast, cloak of shadows. telekick TSx3 dragon claw. owned in ur face before u could even see her. thats how the assassin works.
but uh as for the worldstone theory, i jizzed in my pants. hahaha. easily feasible for the destruction of the worldstone to have an impact not just on the realms of heaven and hell but also on the current living populace of sanctuary. and she was born shortly after the destruction! coincidence i think not! hence her time powers

It really fits that with the destruction of the worldstone we would have a third coming of the Nephalem and the wizard being one of them.|||Quote:
And on a slightly separate note, does anyone think/hope that the Wizard might have an Assassin on her tail following this incident? Perhaps one the Wizard has to duel time and again over the course of the game? Sounds to me like a good place for the D2 Assassin to make a cameo.
Yeah, I posted about this some time ago as well. It would be cool if they incorporated the Assassin into the Wiz's storyline.

Nephalem lost their powers little by little every generation until they became current humans. Don't think they can just recover them this fast. Thought the Wizard may have more magic than she would if it was still around. One of the devs said the Barb was drawing on the power of his ancestors to explain his new over the top skills. Can't remember but I believe he said it was possible because the World Stone is gone.
She's also a prodigy so it could be possible that she just became very powerful very quickly; despite being the first generation of the post-worldstone Nephalem.|||Quote:
I thought that the Sorceress looked to be more of a middle eastern/egyptian type. She had the clothes to go with that as well. And it was the D1 heroes that all went mad. We still don't know what happened to the D1 heroes, other than the Barbarian.
As for the theory, I actually think it's a pretty interesting one, but Nephalem are the product of angels and demons mating, aren't they? Why would they start making babies at a time like this?
lolz^^ u know... humans are nephalems^^ just heavily nerved ones thanks to their dear father xD they can regain the strenght they once had (especially with some help) and so get their nephalem powers back^^ (as can be read in the sinwar trillogy... uldisian and his followers all did that...) so angels and demons dont need to make new babies, cause their old babies' babies can get their nephalem powers themselves^^
and also: the magic (spells) sorcerers in diablo use is gained from old writings and runes... the nephalems get their powers from within theirselves... so i dont think u can combine them (and no one did or tried to do so in the sinwar trilogy)
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