Just wondering...the wiz is...seriously almost exactly like the wiz in D&D...wayyyy to similar to be a coincidence....can't they get sued for this kind of stuff?....like the captain crunch in WoW at first that needed to be changed
i actually like it since i played all the BG and nvwn game and im a big fan of their spell system althought nvwn2 was kind of a ripoff with the new rule...but still did they ask the permission?...or are we gonna get stuck with a bunch of idiot that think blizzard created stoneskin,magic missile,mirrior image,conjured armor,etc... like how people think Warhammer40k is actually a clone of starcraft when starcraft and warcraft are there because of Warhammer and Warhammer40k actually
will wizard of the coast accept this?do they get their share?where they asked for this?did blizz actually gave them credit to these awesome spell?
Warhammer is not original, in fact it's so far from being original you can call it a kitsch. All those creatures and races like tyranids, orcs, elves etc are made decades before Warhammer even came out. Even if Blizzard found inspiration in WH, roots of that inspiration lie elsewhere cause WH is just a perversion of it's predecessors, like it or not.|||To my mind, the counter arguments being offered aren't exactly watertight either. I'm no lawyer, but if you take something invented by something else and use it as your own, isn't that plagiarism? (No intention to demonise Blizzard here) The only argument offered to counter this, in this thread right here, is 'Everyone does this it happens all the time, magic missile and disintegrate etc are part of the territory', which doesn't fly. If this were valid, people would write dissertations at universities that ripped off other people's ideas, claiming it to be common knowledge.
I would say that somewhere, Blizzard cites anything it uses that could be traced back to an original author, otherwise they would leave themselves open to litigation. As long as they give credit where credit is due, they shouldn't get sued.
P.S. Psyco, your posts are super hard to read.|||I'm no lawyer myself, but there are some arguments which fails here. Mainly the one about denying others to use a guide you wrote.
Anyway Blizzard isn't stupid, and wouldn't use spells or steal ideas without making sure they can't be sued for plagiarism.|||It's a homage, not theft. (Sigh)|||Quote:
I'm no lawyer myself, but there are some arguments which fails here. Mainly the one about denying others to use a guide you wrote.
Anyway Blizzard isn't stupid, and wouldn't use spells or steal ideas without making sure they can't be sued for plagiarism.
Sorry, wasn't talking about the guides. Right with you there. I think you summed up what I meant pretty well.
It's a homage, not theft. (Sigh)
Does it being a 'homage' factor into possible legal proceedings? The point that I was making is that Blizzard probably circumvents this problem by acknowledging the original creators of the content.
The question was 'Can't they get sued?' and not 'Are Blizzard thieves?', so saying that it's a homage and not theft isn't a satisfactory answer, because I'm pretty sure that saying 'it's a homage' doesn't cut it legally when justifying using another person's original content.|||Quote:
Sorry, wasn't talking about the guides. Right with you there. I think you summed up what I meant pretty well.
I know you didn't, it was just an example

Does it being a 'homage' factor into possible legal proceedings? The point that I was making is that Blizzard probably circumvents this problem by acknowledging the original creators of the content.
The question was 'Can't they get sued?' and not 'Are Blizzard thieves?', so saying that it's a homage and not theft isn't a satisfactory answer, because I'm pretty sure that saying 'it's a homage' doesn't cut it legally when justifying using another person's original content.
I agree. I don't think as you say that saying it's a homage will cut it on court. But can't we look at the spells almost like you would with that guide example? As long as Blizzard doesn't outright copy the spell down to the last detail they're safe? Just like someone may take your guide, make their own layout and change some stuff around and call it their own. You can't copyright words, but you can copy right layouts. Like with spells, you can't copyright a spell, but how it works?
That wasn't perhaps the best explenation, but I hope it makes sense at least :P|||Quote:
Warhammer is not original, in fact it's so far from being original you can call it a kitsch. All those creatures and races like tyranids, orcs, elves etc are made decades before Warhammer even came out. Even if Blizzard found inspiration in WH, roots of that inspiration lie elsewhere cause WH is just a perversion of it's predecessors, like it or not.
i was talking about WH being original for what they did with it and the similarity to it and starcraft and warcraft is way to big to say its just coincidence btw and doubt the tyranids idea came out decade before warhammer more like 1 year and Tyranid is a more evolved view of the bio-evolving race so yeah also how they react and use ability and power and the thing certain tyranid do what weapon they use and how they fight and hp,armor and attack...if not for this i really doubt we would have the zerg we have today and im glad we do,also WH took it way farther then a simple perversion i doubt you ever read the WH40k lore and the thing that happen...it was a first time and was never before done
but i still dont respect plagiarism and like Chorkstain said in is post i wasnt also trying to demonise blizzard...that was the point of this post...if i would create game or invention i wouldnt want people taking my invention and saying they made it...or change it without giving me credit for my past work..
is that what we want to become as human?is that the limit of our intelligence?to copy the people who actually give us new way to understand everything or give us new way to help us live better life and not even give them credit...if that how life is going to be we might as well just invent new way to kill everyone of us and just destroy each other
ok maybe a bit to deep for some of you :P HAHAHAHA!!!
anyway read Chorkstain post above,it basicly say all i meant originaly in this post and yeah i know i suck at writting in english really sorry everyone you can help me though would appreciate improving myself
about the guide thing that you can take legal action against people copying your work you CAN take action about that kind of stuff and if he just change a few thing doesnt make it legal at all or else blizz would just had changed the name of capitain crunch to cap crunch or capitain krunck in booty bay...just look at city of heroes just because the player COULD make a replica of wolverine and several other super heroes even if it wasnt perfect replica they still won in court and city of heroes customisation changed drasticly....now when i look at the animation and how the spell of the wiz work its exact replica of how they work in any WoTc game that as been approved like neverwinter or baldure gate...im sorry but this is plagia BIG TIME compared to CoH that had really poor similarity to what marvel as for super heroes,and yes to much similarity is breaking the copyright law in many way or else it would be waaaaayyy to easy to break these law...just look at private server even if they change the game its still using the same code they bought and paid for and model,etc..try making a WoW private server in america just for fun and see what happen...just like if i were to download a song but remove 1 sec of the song and i could say its not the full version or remove a file in a game and then distribute it and say its legal...and what im seeing of all these spell are exact replica...did you guys ever played any D&D for godsake?
hey isnt this post supposed to be dead anyway...or is everyone still trying to go for a flame war like in most post because they are bored? O_o
i dont mind blizz making tons of copy of other game and make them 1000x better but at least they should seriously give them credits,about 3/4 gamer dont know probly that WH40k came WAYYYY before SC...seriously i doubt their would be any SC,warcraft or diablo if not for the game that inspired them...what about FPS...doom anyone? and im not saying they should name every little thing but simply the thing that inspired their current game just like how i told you that the guy that made Overlord told people all about who they were grateful for the idea that made the game what it was today
and last thing about the guide just look at Gamefaqs they have all their faqs backed up now with copywrite just a few were not protected from other site and its a bit logic imo that now they all do for all the new faq they put in there...or people wouldnt write faq which then would make the site dead...just what basicly would happen with game or any other product seriously if the guide exemple is bothering you so much just research it or lets just stop talking about it since it isnt about this but was just an example that people dont seem to get cause they probly never writted a faq in their entire life imo
just read the post of chorkstain a bit earlier and you will see what was the purpose of this post is(some retard geek fan will probly still defend blizz forever even if they are wrong imo though,and im a huge fan of them ive still got my copy of the first warcraft but i dont think what their doing is right,just because they are blizzard doesnt make it right)|||Quote:
hey isnt this post supposed to be dead anyway...or is everyone still trying to go for a flame war like in most post because they are bored? O_o
Do you even know what flaming is!? I've seen you post several times how everyone is flaming everyone on this forum. I rarely see flaming, and when it happen a mod takes care of it. Every thread I've seen you accouse people of flaming it's just been normal discussions.
and last thing about the guide just look at Gamefaqs they have all their faqs backed up now with copywrite just a few were not protected from other site and its a bit logic imo that now they all do for all the new faq they put in there...or people wouldnt write faq which then would make the site dead...just what basicly would happen with game or any other product seriously if the guide exemple is bothering you so much just research it or lets just stop talking about it since it isnt about this but was just an example that people dont seem to get cause they probly never writted a faq in their entire life imo
It's not so much about the guide, it was just an example and people seemed to miss the point, and I felt like trying to explain it. Btw you fail to mention that guides on gamefaqs may have been stolen from others. That and that so many guides on that site are trash compared to what you can find other places.|||Quote:
doubt the tyranids idea came out decade before warhammer more like 1 year
8 years before to be correct.
it was a first time and was never before done
It was not a first time, you can lie to yourself if you wish, it's not may problem.
i wouldnt want people taking my invention and saying they made it...or change it without giving me credit for my past work..
The problem with Games Workshop is - it's not their invention.
i know i suck at writting in english really sorry everyone you can help me though would appreciate improving myself
don't apologize to those who can't read between the lines. IQ80+ person shouldn't need perfect spelling in order to understand your text.
some retard geek fan will probly still defend blizz forever even if they are wrong imo though,and im a huge fan of them ive still got my copy of the first warcraft but i dont think what their doing is right,just because they are blizzard doesnt make it right
There is nothing wrong about Blizzard. It's the naive thinking of WH fans that makes it so, but no one shares that opinion except them. If you look at things from neutral perspective you will understand what I mean.|||It's certainly true that very few character classes in ANY RPG are even remotely "original".
But as for the idea that "everything is an altered copy of something else"... maybe so, but we DO have a legal notion of copyright and intellectual property, which is presumably what the OP was asking about. Does it apply here? Maybe.
I would guess that there is a point at which a character class bearing too much resemblance to a class in an earlier game could be seen as copyright infringement, if the makers of the earlier game cared to sue. I think they'd have to show that the copied elements really were completely original with THEIR game, and that taken all together they constituted something unique which couldn't have been arrived at independently. I have no idea where exactly that threshhold would be.
Since I don't think there's much actually original in D+D though, I doubt it would apply in this case. WotC got their stuff from all over just like Blizz.
Psyco, since you say you want to improve your English, you might note that in Standard Written English we write punctuation marks with a space afterwards, and no space before

The other thing would be editing your posts for length

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