As much as I'd like to be the most versatile Wizard and invest at least one point in every skill I don't think that will be feasable, especially after the designers stating, that they want to change the active skills so that more points can be spent on them.
Remembering fond days of Baldur's Gate 2 I decided to take the arcane way, especially Magic Missile. It travels very fast and you can cast it from a great distance so you can always hit what you want from safe position. What got my attention was the Improved Magic Missile talent which increases the numbers of missiles per skill point. Can you imagine mowing groups of monsters away with wave after wave of 15+ Magic Missiles, kinda like a Multishot Amazon from D2?

Those waves become even deadlier with the talents that give your arcane spells the ability to slow monsters down and increase damage taken from all sources, making you a great asset to any party.
I know that there is probably another rework going on with the skill system but I would be thrilled if my Magic-Missile-Waves-of-Arcane-Death-dreams come true.

If that proves to not be viable in the later stages of the game there's always the respec option.

The only other thing that MAY change my plans is if they introduce Frozen Orb as one of the Storm Tier V skills. That could look sweet with the new engine.|||Given the ability to respec, there is little reason to stick to one style until i have had a chance to try them all.
That said... a certain concept caught my interest the other day.
With maxed mana recovery, you could potentially get a mana globe every 1-2 kills, depending how the percentages work out. Now if you were to use some kind of AE attack such as, say, arcane orb, and also happen to have maxed mana burst... you could be chugging out arcane orbs that do maybe 3-6 times the normal damage as your standard attack. Or your volley of magic missiles, or whatever. I just like the concept of a single hugely destructive attack.
More than likely that will just be a side experiment at some point, my normal style is more likely to be a tad more versatile. Stone skin as standard defense, slow time for fast/ranged/hordes of enemies, and two attacks at around the same level, one AE one single target.|||LOL. This game is so far from release it's stupid to plan your char by skills that will most certainly change one way or another. Not to mention none of 5 Tier Skill were introduced.
But it is fun, SO:
My first build will mostly likely be 1 point in each skill to get to know all and choose my favorite. But for now I think I will probably go the BattleMage way, with Mirror Image, Hydra, Meteor, Ray Frost, Spectral Blade and ofc- Slow Time and Teleport.
I'm sorry, but a melee Wiz just kick so much *** (:|||Quote:
Given the ability to respec, there is little reason to stick to one style until i have had a chance to try them all.
That said... a certain concept caught my interest the other day.
With maxed mana recovery, you could potentially get a mana globe every 1-2 kills, depending how the percentages work out. Now if you were to use some kind of AE attack such as, say, arcane orb, and also happen to have maxed mana burst... you could be chugging out arcane orbs that do maybe 3-6 times the normal damage as your standard attack. Or your volley of magic missiles, or whatever. I just like the concept of a single hugely destructive attack.
More than likely that will just be a side experiment at some point, my normal style is more likely to be a tad more versatile. Stone skin as standard defense, slow time for fast/ranged/hordes of enemies, and two attacks at around the same level, one AE one single target.
There is no way there will be a full respec feature. Blizzard knows that would kill replayability.
As for my wizard. I think I'll start with a build based around ray of frost.|||I'll probably start with a cold based wizard. I like to freeze stuff.

I'm hoping we'll get some class specific hats. A pointy wizard hat would be yummy.

Yeah, I'm hoping any respec would be maybe to undo only a point or two.|||Quote:
There is no way there will be a full respec feature. Blizzard knows that would kill replayability.
As for my wizard. I think I'll start with a build based around ray of frost.
Incorrect, Wow has full respec and that hasnt killed talent building and replayability.|||Quote:
Incorrect, Wow has full respec and that hasnt killed talent building and replayability.
I haven't played WOW but I'd say that it makes no sense for me to play a cold wizard for 99 wizards and suddenly due to a respec he is now a level 99 melee wizard. In that sense it certainly would kill replayability becuse you could suddenly have a high level wizard that is in no way related to the 99 levels that were played.|||It will be full respecs. Simply because it's better than having to spend weeks leveling up just to try another setup.
There has never been a petition to remove respecs from WoW. I have never so much as seen anyone suggest it. It will happen in D3 too, and that's a very good thing.
As for killing replayability. No, you guys who think that are idiots, or simply willingly ignorant, whichever. Talent builds are one of the most hotly debated topics in WoW. People spend literal days working out how to spend their points. It won't kill anything, it will give extra life to high level characters.
And if nothing else, you can simply choose to pretend there is no respec option and play another char for 90+ levels if you want.|||My good fellow, perhaps you could refrain from calling folks ignorant and idiots just because you disagree with them. Being the grumpy old wizard that I am I am sure that could out insult you if it were allowed on this forum.

Anywayzzz I fear that you are right that it will be a full respec and it will decrease the life of Diablo 3. Diablo is very much about building up your character over time. A respec is an instant "poof" transforming your character with no effort required.
If you know you will be getting a respec at in Act 3 you can just place your skills to do the most damage in the first few acts and then respec them into passives when you can access higher level spells. Diablo is supposed to be something of a role playing game and respecs certainly make no sense from that perspective.
And yes, I will pretend that respecs do not exist.|||Quote:
Incorrect, Wow has full respec and that hasnt killed talent building and replayability.
WoW is also a MMORPG, while Diablo is a RPG. There's always new things going on in WoW, new events, and it takes some time to "complete" the game. In D3, there probably won't be so many updates and it won't nearly be as big, so yes it will kill replayability.
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