it about that Asian do not fit wizard class because it is out from stereotype. That's all.
I thought it was about the Asian theme as a whole didn't fit with the Diablo universe

I got impression that you didn't understand topic, it about that Asian do not fit wizard class because it is out from stereotype. That's all.
I very much got the gist of the topic. In fact, I clearly stated that I understood that in the first few sentences of my post.
@Corvinas Medieval term or Middle ages are term use for Europe history as it speaks about period in Europe history Excalibur etc. Gothic is term used for Europe only too.
Read here
My point was simply to clear up the misconception of what actually constitutes the Middle Ages. Case in point - the reference to Excalibur. Great legend, but a misconception or distortion of actual history, much like the common views of the Middle Ages.
The very article you linked proves my point - you can't paint an accurate picture of the Middle Ages of Europe as a whole without factoring in the Asian influences brought to the region by trade and invasion during that time. In fact, many would argue that the period began because of influences from Asiatic powers. One might compare it to the Asian influences we've seen trickle in during the first two games - namely that of weapons and names. Now, as real-world history progressed the mingling of Asian and European cultures (and particularly of its people) increased. Would it not stand to reason that a world seemingly based on that period of history might follow a similar path? That in the world of Sanctuary those influences and comingling would increase as well?
We saw minor influence in Diablo, but that was a small scale story told within the confines of a single town. Diablo II widened that scope, and in so doing introduced many additional outside influences. With the scale and scope of Diablo III being that much wider, obviously you're going to witness environments and cultures outside the accepted norm. And hell, talking from a strictly sales and lore perspective, if you don't expand and grow your properties - if you're not expanding your world and universe - you're looking at series stagnation.|||Quote:
Hmmm .. the Male wizard seems very Asian to me (in the artwork that is since we never got a close look at the in-game model) ... i mean .. what isn't "Asian" about him .. really.
[ IMG ][ /IMG ]
The long hair
The small beard
The look and attitude of a yakuza or a Chinese gangster
He might look a little like an Asian-American but still the Asian look is there .. it wouldn't make sense at all if one gender of a class is from an ethnicity and the other from a different one.
I don't think this guy looks asian at all. I mean, yeah, he's dressed in stereotypical Eastern attire but that doesn't make him any more Asian than that time I ate a dog made me an alligator. Small beards and long hair doesn't make you necessarily look Asian either. I think they make you look like you're anyone in a band or me or half my friends in highschool. Nor am I sure what kind of attitude a Yakuza or Chinese gangster has and if it's any different than any other gangster's attitude.
But, his face is at a weird angle so I can't really tell for sure.
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