Ever wonder about that? Here's a stab at a theory

The wizard just isn't a magic wielder .. she is a magic wielder extraordinnaire .. she not only beat the great Vizjerei Valthek .. he still hasn't regained conciousness !!! .. It's insignificant that Abd al-Hazir's account of the fight considers it dishonorable .. pshhh .. its all about being ready for the unpredictable to happen .. and it did, and a 19 year old girl whooped a master mage's behind.
And - according to Mr. Hazir,
I have also been assured that the extensive property damage was chiefly the result of Valthek's magical prowess, not the upstart wizard's.
Sounds like they're trying to cover up soemthing .. !
Anyway, this is the theory:
The wizard's age = 19 years ... 19 years!
The destruction of the Wordstone? 20 years ago
Function of the Worldstone? To dampen the powers of the Nephalem.
So in conclusion, ergo, and et cetera ... The Wizard is a first generation Nephalem, born after the debilitating powers of the Worldstone no longer held its sway. Her reckless and tremendous power shows the true potential of Nephalem Wizardy realized, explaining the comatose Vizjerei, and that she is the most powerful, awe-inspiring mage that has come out of the Diablo series.
Interesting ? No?

I do think your spot on with the worldstone though.|||Quote:
If she was studying time bending magic it’s no wonder she could kick the crap out of a elemental mage, provided Vizjerel Valthek is like every other Sorcerer in the Diablo series.
I do think your spot on with the worldstone though.
WF&D is that you?
I also agree there could be something in Ouroboros theroy.
Another something I was thinking about lately is what if the old D2 heros have families? sons? daughters? Could the male/female Wizard be the child and prodigy of the Sorceress?|||The Wizard comes from Xiansai though, so I don't think there would be any relation to the Sorceress from D2. Unless the Sorceress went there after destroying the Worldstone?
I suppose anything is possible.|||Quote:
WF&D is that you?
I also agree there could be something in Ouroboros theroy.
Another something I was thinking about lately is what if the old D2 heros have families? sons? daughters? Could the male/female Wizard be the child and prodigy of the Sorceress?
Yeah this is my more used SN.
I doubt the Wizard would be a prodigy of the Sorceress, who probably would have instilled more discipline and tradition within her/him. That said when people realize their potential to outstrip others in any respective field holding them back will prove extremely difficult if not impossible.|||The sorceress looked more hispanic/latino in my eyes than Asian, but who knows?
Also, didn't most D2 heroes go mad after their experiences fighting the Primes?|||I thought that the Sorceress looked to be more of a middle eastern/egyptian type. She had the clothes to go with that as well. And it was the D1 heroes that all went mad. We still don't know what happened to the D1 heroes, other than the Barbarian.
As for the theory, I actually think it's a pretty interesting one, but Nephalem are the product of angels and demons mating, aren't they? Why would they start making babies at a time like this?|||I had the same theory. It just seems to fit. The world stone explodes, and one year later (or was it... nine months?) the Wizard is born with incredible magic powers. Not the Nephalem, but definitely a powered up human.|||Or maybe, she's just really talented in magic and at the same time insanely reckless so as not to hold back whilst casting her magic? From all their talk of discipline, etc., it sounds like the mages tend to refrain from unleashing their full might in fear of the repercussions.
As for the Vizjerei, it's quite possible that the Wizard got the jump on him and/or he was trying not to harm his student where as the Wizard was less worried about hurting him. At the end of the day, he's still a teacher whilst she was a student. And what decent teacher would actively try to injure a student, even when trying to reign said student in?
And on a slightly separate note, does anyone think/hope that the Wizard might have an Assassin on her tail following this incident? Perhaps one the Wizard has to duel time and again over the course of the game? Sounds to me like a good place for the D2 Assassin to make a cameo.
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