Seeing DIII wizards makes me hope that I'll be able to play a magic user that CAN say "If you say ONE MORE WORD, I'LL TEAR YOU TO SHREDS" -- and actually mean by his own magic -- and not by the swords in the hands of the 5 swordmen hiding behind the door.
Just from the gameplay experience we have been watching this sounds quite reasonable. All we have seen now are lower level skills, not supported by hig ranking passive skills. Once the wizard is in the level 90s everything will explode left and right

Which leads back on topic:
Seeing DIII wizards makes me hope that I'll be able to play a magic user that CAN say "If you say ONE MORE WORD, I'LL TEAR YOU TO SHREDS" -- and actually mean by his own magic -- and not by the swords in the hands of the 5 swordmen hiding behind the door.
Well, you can't really do that. Because all classes should be equal in the grand scheme. Having a class who does one action and the whole screen get atomized and a class who can kill one monster in a minute is unbalanced and not fun.

Show me ONE religion with more than 100 worshippers where their god created the world with..:
a) A sword and shield
b) A huge axe
c) A pointy stick and four fish and a cow *
Show me ONE legend where a city was flying; or a world got crushed by the help of:
a) A shortsword and buckler
b) A throwing axe *
c) A shiny piece of armor
Show me ONE adventurer in "serious" fantasy who killed an unwilling god, in all its glory at full strength without magic beeing used against him to aid the adventurer, using:
a) A non-magical dagger and a tower shield
b) A non-magical bow and a quivver of non-magical iron arrows
c) A non-magical fist *
Show me ONE:
a) Non-magical sword which can create a secret pocket in reality where up to fifty people are served for four hours in a feast with magical servants and food and are subject to the effect of a full week's rest and get a morale bonus for the next 24 hours, while only fifteen minutes pass in the real world.
b) One non-magical dagger that can slaughter a city in 0.001 seconds
c) One talking mace where the talking guy's soul got trapped in the mace because he was hit so freaking hard in melee. *
Magic wins.
* I added these options to give you a chance.|||Wizards have the teleport skill. Shouldnt be too hard to stay away from melee'ers
Also, I havent read the skill trees but the d2 sorc had energy shield which made it a lot harder to kill. So maybe blizzard will add something like that to maker her tank more.|||Quote:
Show me ONE adventurer in "serious" fantasy who killed an unwilling god, in all its glory at full strength without magic beeing used against him to aid the adventurer, using:
a) A non-magical dagger and a tower shield
b) A non-magical bow and a quivver of non-magical iron arrows
c) A non-magical fist *
Show me ONE:
a) Non-magical sword which can create a secret pocket in reality where up to fifty people are served for four hours in a feast with magical servants and food and are subject to the effect of a full week's rest and get a morale bonus for the next 24 hours, while only fifteen minutes pass in the real world.
b) One non-magical dagger that can slaughter a city in 0.001 seconds
c) One talking mace where the talking guy's soul got trapped in the mace because he was hit so freaking hard in melee. *
Magic wins.
* I added these options to give you a chance.
D2 Assassin, D&D Psionics. Techincally psionics and assassin mind skills aren't magic, and psionics rivals magic in power. Besides with the Spellplague, wizards are like half-dead.
Oh and Baldurs gate OT: Time stop>Energy Blades>Spell trigger with 2x greater curse and horrid wilting>Wish Rest>Rinse and repeat
Walking engine of destruction right there.
Oh and we had Ironguard in Baldurs gate?|||Quote:
In playing Titan Quest, for instance, summoning an elemental was very important... What I mean by this is that it was necessary to distract enemies - and provide the wizard character the space and time to launch magical attacks...
This isn't Titan Quest. This is Diablo. Diablo's always been a great, unique game, and I don't suggest giving the developers ideas of making it a standard fantasy game. We're having enough problems driving them away from the horrid WoW graphics (which are shared by just about every MMORPG or RPG, except some of them are more lego-like).|||Hah, with summoning the wizard would be the mix of all classes, she would only need leap and shape-shifting xD.
As it seems now, the wizard is supposed to be a lonely mage, that's one of the personality aspects which can be seen on the lore, she or he is supposed to be a master of magic by himself or herself, and does not need help. With summons the whole character personality would be broken.|||Quote:
Hah, with summoning the wizard would be the mix of all classes, she would only need leap and shape-shifting xD.
As it seems now, the wizard is supposed to be a lonely mage, that's one of the personality aspects which can be seen on the lore, she or he is supposed to be a master of magic by himself or herself, and does not need help. With summons the whole character personality would be broken.
*cheer*clap* !|||Quote:
Magic wins.
I would like to know what source you have that states God used Magic to create the world. I couldn't find anything in Genesis.
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