(2) Is there more concept art you can share? Or from where did you get this? (Perhaps PM link pls)
(3) It cant be the female wizard, we've seen her look and its totally different.
(4) She's the female monk if I had to go for female wizard vs female monk, but she could be some other NPC.
(5) New class - They wouldnt do that, release its concept art now. And new class is 99% a ranged class.|||Considering that she is wielding the staff 1-handed, I would see it more as artistic license, rather than any indication of some new mechanic in D3.
Can't quite picture a wizard dual-wielding staves and stacking +skill modifiers...

(3) It cant be the female wizard, we've seen her look and its totally different.
(4) She's the female monk if I had to go for female wizard vs female monk, but she could be some other NPC.
Blizzard now has 8 major artists. It looks close enough. Next, this picture lacks "holy" colors or the eastern european/asian mix of clothing. Lastly, it utilizes arcane and ice cues. It's 150% a picture of the Wizard.|||Quote:
Blizzard now has 8 major artists. It looks close enough. Next, this picture lacks "holy" colors or the eastern european/asian mix of clothing. Lastly, it utilizes arcane and ice cues. It's 150% a picture of the Wizard.
There's the asian mix of clothing for sure, the dragon symbols to go with it, and the ASIAN FACE!!!!!
Also, thats ice and lightning (I think its not arcane at least) probably from weapon mods, like the Frost and Lightning enchanted Axes of the Barbarian in the 2008 WWI gameplay.
Holy colors .... The monk doesnt look very holy or colorful dressed up the way he is. Those holy colors are emitted by his spells, if anything.|||I wouldnt call that dual wield. Rather a charm, like Guild wars' mage character that wields a wand in his weapon slot and a charm in his shield slot for increased mana/life etc.|||Quote:
There's the asian mix of clothing for sure, the dragon symbols to go with it, and the ASIAN FACE!!!!!
That's because the Wizard is Asian... And the Monk is not... Look at Monk's face in detail.|||I can tell you right now it is not a Monk. It has a frost enchanted sword and a flaming staff as well as severl glowing scrolls. But concept art has nothing to do with gameplay so really this means nothing.|||It seems somehow familiar...
Magical human female caster, wielding two elements, wearing cloth, on a backdrop, promoting a blizzard game.
I know!

Then, recognition struck me: upon his forehead he had a tattoo of two red dots, one larger than the other. As any informed student of the peoples and cultures of this world must also realize, this man was one of the monks of Ivgorod, the secretive and reclusive holy warriors of the country.
Obviously the female doesn't have just 2 red dots, but probably male and female monks have different face paintings.
As for the cold/lighting enchantments on the sword/staff, Blizzard already said that weapons will be made to look more like what their enchantments give them. As such the sword much be at least a blue sword with added cold damage and the staff has added llightning damage. Just look at the Barbarian gameplay video, he has a hammer that is burning in that one.
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