Nah. It might have the opposite effect, Fox. Players would roam the whole dungeon making sure every last demon is dead before facing the boss, slowing down the pace.
Or they could end the increased droprate at ~80% slaughter-rate (?), and make it luck of the draw from there on

To solve both the teleport and the boss farming only problems, I would suggest making the drop formula be partially determined by what % of enemies in an area has been already killed.
This would promote exploration while also rewarding teams that clear most of an area.

I agree a lot with this one. To make sure people don't chase down the last 2 monsters and wasting a lot of time, do this in a probabilistic way. ie. If you kill x% of the monsters, you get something like x*base rate drop. Wasting time chasing the last few monsters will be counter productive.|||Where's the fun if you skip through the level? Monsters and enemies should be killed;teleport away if you are surrounded is a smart use of the teleport,like exploring places already empty faster;in D2 the dungeons were simply huge!It tooked ages to move through them after you cleared them of monsters!That's a smart use of teleport|||to me this is just a fancier version of jump, this is no longer teleporting. i wish they would give it a knew names because it is not hte same ability.|||Quote:
to me this is just a fancier version of jump, this is no longer teleporting. i wish they would give it a knew names because it is not hte same ability.
In the first place teleport should be working like this, so I'll rather say it's a new and IMPROVED version of the old teleport

In the first place teleport should be working like this, so I'll rather say it's a new and IMPROVED version of the old teleport

how is this improved, this is nerfed.
Teleportation - the idea of this is you make yourself vanish and re-appear another area, no matter of wall or door in the way. D2 teleport may be unfair, instead of make the move suck, remove it or rename it.
you send yourself up in the air to land on the ground, this is much slower and not as useful. A charecter with a fast run/walk should be able to keep up easily which defeat the purpose of this move. the whole animation of the muve is horrible (not vissually, but the act in which it is preformed.) Like i said before this is just a fancier version of jump, Maybe they should call it "Style-ish Jump" because that it what it is.|||Quote:
Yes, going through the whole level is important, but the team shouldn't feel obligated to hunt down one or two that escaped from a crowd if it will slow things down.
Look at the gameplay video. The Witchdoctor fails to kill one of the scavengers. If he had gone after it the flow of the game would have suffered.
I don't think it was implied that it would be an all or nothing thing.
For example, if there are 300 enemies in a zone before a boss, each one would increase the drop chance of the boss by .33% so a full clear would get a full drop, but if you miss 10 enemies or something you're still getting 97% of a full drop, which is good enough for most people.
Aside from that, this is a change that teleport needs. It is a "BALANCED" version of teleport.
Being able to skip entire levels is such a huge advantage even when not talking about simply boss running. Teleport was also the primary skill that enabled rushing, or at least made it so quick.
Teleport needs this change to be balanced. Without this change, everyone in the know would roll their first character as a sorceress, which is something blizz should strive to avoid.
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