I didn't like the concept of tornado returning, it just looks out of place. It's just too...druidish.
I guess what Blizzard wants the wizard to be is to specialize in weather spells as well as manipulate time and space.
Kinda like Storm + Jean Grey from X-Men lol

Jean Grey?
I think if anything they would be going for a Mr. Mxyzptlk, who just made all kinds of crazy crap happen. Like Myx, it doesn't seem like she has explicit weather controlling powers, she's just conjuring a tornado, because she can. That's the whole theme really, she's more of a reality warper than one who harnesses the elements.|||Quote:
Jean Grey?
I think if anything they would be going for a Mr. Mxyzptlk, who just made all kinds of crazy crap happen. Like Myx, it doesn't seem like she has explicit weather controlling powers, she's just conjuring a tornado, because she can. That's the whole theme really, she's more of a reality warper than one who harnesses the elements.
Blizzard, meteor?|||Quote:
Blizzard, meteor?
I did say "more of" and not "completely" didn't I?
Though I would not put down the possibility of her conjuring the effect of everything and not directly causing it to happen, if I'm explaining what I'm thinking properly. I haven't read any of the lore or anything though except for the "improbable age" introduction so I don't know if there's any explicit statements on this.|||Quote:
I think that's just over the top... might as well make a spell that kills all the enemies in the game and be done with it.
The ideas are cute, the effects are over the top and unbalanced.
Creating a spell like "Black hole" and than giving it a medium or even high damage... it's silly, it makes little sense and really diminishes the concept of it- whilst giving it the effects you described would make the game simply pointless to the extreme.
I think that the Wizard has quite the array of spells, I love the fact that you need and can utilize tactics rather than simply cast the same damaging sprll over and over.
I do agree though that the animation for the tornado seems silly
Ummm...I'm fairly certain that dude was joking/mocking OP.|||i love the wizard i really do but i just cant bring myself to like her, she has no fire spells, no ultimate ownage spells i.e frozen orb. the elecrocute seems to be a bit smooth and week. i know you will now slaughter me lol, but it does.
i miss all the cool spells of d2 and just think there is no fire wall or any wall for the wizard and we have now basically seen all her spells|||Quote:
i love the wizard i really do but i just cant bring myself to like her, she has no fire spells, no ultimate ownage spells i.e frozen orb. the elecrocute seems to be a bit smooth and week. i know you will now slaughter me lol, but it does.
i miss all the cool spells of d2 and just think there is no fire wall or any wall for the wizard and we have now basically seen all her spells
Here is what Blizzard replies to someone about the Wizard.
[BLUE]The wizard is a young and very arrogant student. Rightfully so in some ways as she is extremely gifted. She knows she's better than all of her classmates at mage-school, and even some of the teachers. Something as simple as elemental magic would probably be something the wizard considers beneath her. She focuses on high magics, arcane magic, the control of space and time, and while she does like to focus on weather based magics - she tends to put a slight arcane or unnatural spin on them. If she were to use fire, she wouldn't do it in such a pedestrian way as to literally conjure it herself. She'd want to make it a bit more challenging.
Fire is a physical element that the Witch Doctor uses a fair amount of though. His kit is a mixture of physical magic and the supernatural, which obviously fits very well with his name.
We want each class to feel unique, and a separation of visual style is important to basic gameplay, so there's some intentional guidelines as to how much skill types and styles should overlap between the classes[/BLUE]|||Quote:
i love the wizard i really do but i just cant bring myself to like her, she has no fire spells, no ultimate ownage spells i.e frozen orb. the elecrocute seems to be a bit smooth and week. i know you will now slaughter me lol, but it does.
i miss all the cool spells of d2 and just think there is no fire wall or any wall for the wizard and we have now basically seen all her spells
Really? I mean, I don't like her either, but how can you say she doesn't have Epic spells?
Meteor Storm? Mirror Image? Hydra? Wave of Force? F**king Slow Time?
D2 Frozen Orb and Fire Wall are nothing comapred to these, especially with the improved graphics and effects.|||moves like frozen orb were nuking moves. there arnt any huge area effect spells meteor stor focuses on one place. and ther isnt any fire. i feel as if she was designed by blizzard, because they wanted lots of different spells and attacks. but really i like the powerful yet simple sorceress more. if the sorceress came out now in d3, which would you choose, her or the wizard.|||Ofc the Wiz, from the same reason I'd prefer the WD over the Necro- I don't want reused chars, I want NEW chars.|||Quote:
moves like frozen orb were nuking moves. there arnt any huge area effect spells meteor stor focuses on one place. and ther isnt any fire. i feel as if she was designed by blizzard, because they wanted lots of different spells and attacks. but really i like the powerful yet simple sorceress more. if the sorceress came out now in d3, which would you choose, her or the wizard.
Wizard, duh.
And frozen orb sucks, although it was the most visually appealing spell for the Sorceress.
Tri elemental is passe

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