@ the "d1-2 had D&D spells" argument: Sure, but magic missile and stoneskin are like THE MOST FAMOUS D&D SPELLS KNOWN. Not so many people will notice if firewall or teleport were borrowed. See, firewall is a word found in the dictionary; therefore it's not copying from D&D. Firewall is fair game for any game.
But stoneskin is without a doubt D&D. So is magic missile. It is very clear Blizzard stole it for some reason of lameness.
@ the "it's just going to sound contorted/copycat if they try to come up with different names" argument: Not necessarily. The magic missile in d3 does not behave the same way D&D's magic missile does. For example, d3's magic missile will hit the first thing that gets in its' way towards a target, and d3's magic missile is 'arcane' damage, not just 'damage' like in D&D, and in d3 it leaves a purple glow on the corpses AND it silences on critical hits. They could have named it Arcane Shot and we would be non the wiser.
And d3's stone skin does not work at all like D&D's stoneskin. It's not going to sound like a copycat name if Blizzard comes up with their own name for it.
@ the "Blizzard workers aren't being paid to waste time injecting originality..." argument. First, I believe they are being paid for just that. And it would not take any serious amount of time to come up with non-D&D names for things. I can come up with several in less than 2 minutes.
Look at how awesome some of the barb skills sound. Blizzard could come up with all kinds of awesome names for wizard skills instead of leeching from D&D.|||Ever heard the word "homage?"
Someone at Blizzard thought it would be more cool to pay homage to one of the progenitors of modern fantasy as opposed to practicing the tired out game of "come up with cool new names for spells that have been seen thousands times before."|||Quote:
Hey, i would have loved to see a spell, at which those Beserkers fall over laughing and dieing from too much laugther

It was a completely horrible spell. It was like a hold person for 1 round with like +500 bonus to save spell... plus it doesn't work as well on other races as they "don't understand your humor". So I doubt the demons would be amused.|||konfeta,
You call it homage, I call it theft or plagerizing. When someone copies your essay paper and gets A+ on it, are they paying homage to you? I doubt Blizzard considers this homage; rather it's for more sinister purposes. It sounds more like desperate leeching of D&D's popularity. 'It worked for D&D, we better not take any chances and do the same'
And that's what I don't get. Diablo doesn't need help from D&D. Diablo is hugely popular.|||Stillman, unless someone affiliated with D&D files a lawsuit, I think you are really overreacting.|||Quote:
You call it homage, I call it theft or plagerizing. When someone copies your essay paper and gets A+ on it, are they paying homage to you? I doubt Blizzard considers this homage; rather it's for more sinister purposes. It sounds more like desperate leeching of D&D's popularity. 'It worked for D&D, we better not take any chances and do the same'
And that's what I don't get. Diablo doesn't need help from D&D. Diablo is hugely popular.
You seriously think Blizzard for the games they brought out, that they need to "steal"? Apart from the Wizard spells the whole game is different, the story does not even touch D&D and has its own agenda since Diablo I. Yes there are similarities to D&D in the spells, for whichever reason.|||Magic missile will definitely also bring back fond memories for anyone who has ever played a MUD (For anyone not familiar with MUDS - they're text-based online roleplaying games, and in many MUDs magic missile is one of the first and most sucky spells you would gain access to as a Mage)|||Quote:
Magic missile will definitely also bring back fond memories for anyone who has ever played a MUD (For anyone not familiar with MUDS - they're text-based online roleplaying games, and in many MUDs magic missile is one of the first and most sucky spells you would gain access to as a Mage)
[OT]Nice touch of history. I only played a quite wellknown Middle Earth MUD in my time, but there were no Magic Missiles there. Just Balrogs, Hobbits, Elves and such. Even played Samwise Gamgee for a while.
What about making DIII a MUD

Seems Magic Missile has quite a history. So i think its fare to blame DIII that they are borrowing thieving from, MUDS too?

You seriously think Blizzard for the games they brought out, that they need to "steal"? Apart from the Wizard spells the whole game is different, the story does not even touch D&D and has its own agenda since Diablo I. Yes there are similarities to D&D in the spells, for whichever reason.
Yes, it's all about capitalism. They are trying to squeeze out every last buck by ripping off famous D&D ideas. Again, they don't need to, but people will do anything for money, even when they already have plenty.
Anyway, I'm through with my one-man crusade on this issue. I made thread about this not too long ago, and literally not a single person agrees with me. When you copy something word for word, it's plagerism/stealing.
Well, see you all in d3 where your barb will have a batman logo on his chest, and insted of a pentagram in Diablo's sanctuary, it will be a MacDonnald's "m". Harry Potter will make an appearance too. And you guys will all think it's cute or something, lol.
PS: If anyone has read The Dark Tower series, you may have noticed that the whole thing went down the toilet because King started dumping loads of famous ideas from other stories into his epic series.
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