No, you guys who think that are idiots, or simply willingly ignorant, whichever. Talent builds are one of the most hotly debated topics in WoW. People spend literal days working out how to spend their points. It won't kill anything, it will give extra life to high level characters.
Please re-read the forum rules and do not insult other forum members.
You won't be warned again.|||my 1st wizzy build... hmm... so hard to decide. any way, here is my 1st build to be: experimental|||Quote:
Please re-read the forum rules and do not insult other forum members.
You won't be warned again.
I like you. You're on a roll around here.

As for me, I'm rather torn.
Arcane damage+arcane weakness and the other passives that reduce resist are incredibly tempting. The arcane tree seems very utilitarian, very fun. Slow time seems like a must. I bet they'll move this skill up a bit in the tree and move the +dmg passives down, as you will only be using those passives for the arcane tree. Doesn't make much sense, currently.
An arcane wizard seems like she/he would be greater for parties than the other two trees, because of mana globe generation and also her numerous stun/slow/silence effects.
Conjuring looks just plain fun. Mirror Image? Um, yes please. This tree brings in the (tentatively) melee build which could be very fascinating but I feel that this largely depends on other aspects of the game or the equipment that we are currently not aware of. This tree also brings into question: for the glass cannon of d3, why so many defensive and shield skills?
Meteor storm looks absolutely brilliant and this tree seems more for AoE than single-target damage like the arcane tree (barring the multi-shotting Magic Missle if you so choose to go that route).
My guess would be that this tree has the most work left to go on it than the other two.
Now, the storm tree!
Passives: Damage damage damage. Everybody loves charged bolt. Even the defensive skills in this tree do damage. This may be the most favored tree upon release.
Like the barbarian, high-damage builds in Diablo 3 (for the wizard) will likely be crit-based, again, depending on the equipment properties and affixes. With that said, I still am not the biggest fan of this tree. I love blizzard as much as the next guy but I loathe tornado spells in games like this. I like to use a skill and know exactly what it is going to do. I don't want to guess where it is going to go. Then again, the fifth tier wasn't in yet so who knows.
All said and done, for single-player I would probably go conjuring with a bit in the storm tree. For multi, arcane all the way with points in the early tiers of both trees.|||I should make a reminder of how the skillsystem functions in D3, if you have unlocked a tier in any tree, then you can put points in it in any of your trees.
Exactly how it worked like in D2. Once hitting lvl 30, you could plug points in the level 30 skills in all of the trees if meeting the prerequisites.|||Quote:
I should make a reminder of how the skillsystem functions in D3, if you have unlocked a tier in any tree, then you can put points in it in any of your trees.
Exactly how it worked like in D2. Once hitting lvl 30, you could plug points in the level 30 skills in all of the trees if meeting the prerequisites.
But you still had to meet the pre-reqs. What that means is that you probably won't see some wizard walking around with the highest tier storm skills and slow time as well. This depends a lot on how they handle reqs, whether they are from skill-to-skill or just point based, and how many skill points a character will have during its run to the highest level.|||When I do roll my Wizard, I think I'll mess with a time build.
And by time build, I was thinking of putting points into...
Actives: slow time, temporal armor, teleport, and mirror image
Passives: efficient magics, arcane distortion, mana recovery, damage resistant, conjured health, duplicate conjuring, conjuring duration, slowing strikes, lethal energy|||So how are you going to do any damage?|||A mirror image, time slow, ranged attack reverse, and electrocute character is my wizard.|||Mirror image just seems too good and the passive for it increases hydra count so something in that direction.......
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