When Diablo 2 first came out, I was impressed with the array of new skills, especially with spells like frozen orb, hydra and thunderstorm

I think Blizzard needs to give the wizard more kick Yeah!!, something that would blow our asses like what they did with Diablo 2

The wizard is the most blastastic class in D3 atm. Arcane Orb, Disintegrate etc...
If any class should get some boomlove it should be the WD.|||Quote:
What are you smoking and where can I get some?
The wizard is the most blastastic class in D3 atm. Arcane Orb, Disintegrate etc...
If any class should get some boomlove it should be the WD.
Fulfillment|||I think it would be fantastic got some skills like Light/Darkness, turning to blind to enemies. And also magician enemies who cast it upon the characters too ocasionally!
Another good skills could be Spiderweb, Sleep, and also Flaming Hands or something like that.
Anyway, I like all almost all skills showed at this point, with 2 or 3 exceptions. I don't like the futurist style of some arcane skills, but I can live with them.
I can't wait to see Hydra.|||Quote:
I think it would be fantastic got some skills like Light/Darkness, turning to blind to enemies. And also magician enemies who cast it upon the characters too ocasionally!
Another good skills could be Spiderweb, Sleep, and also Flaming Hands or something like that.
Most of those would probably fall under WD flavor-wise, but the Light idea could be sick if in a radial Solar Flare/Gamma Ray Burst style (yummy fire/arcane damage).
Anyway, I like all almost all skills showed at this point, with 2 or 3 exceptions. I don't like the futurist style of some arcane skills, but I can live with them.
I can't wait to see Hydra.
I can't wait for Hydra either. That skill rocked.|||Well we've only seen half the active skills for the WD when compared to the Wizard, so it still has room for some awesome spells. Hopefully we will be getting more active skills for all the classes. Like tier 5 and tier 6. Now I agree that the spells so far are pretty great, I'm hopping the highest few tier active skills will be larger and more epic.|||Quote:
Another good skills could be Spiderweb, Sleep, and also Flaming Hands or something like that.
Forgotten Realms? lol

Finger of Death, Time Stop, Wail of the Banshee FTW

Forgotten Realms? lol

LOL, no, hahaha. I don't know Forgotten Realms. But if you read some books, or play some books, you know they are very common spells in every fantasy world or book, like Magic Missile. I'm not surprised they were in Forgotten Realms, because as I said they are very common in almost every fantasy book/film/game.|||Agreed. Wizards need spells which is destructive while the damage can be spread over a huge area.
One good example would be Black Hole. When Black Hole is casted. this spell sucks in any Wizard's enemies including bosses and enemy players into the hole causing them to vanish forever. Soft core characters sucked inside the black hole cannot be revived anymore.
We should also return Apocalypse from Diablo 1. When casted, Apocalypse can damage all Wizard's enemies within xxx radius including enemies hidden behind the wall. The damage type is special which cannot be resisted.
When Earthquake is casted, the Wizard can manipulate the earth in such a way that the there will be tremors and the enemies will be fall inside the earth. As such the enemies will be permanently dead and forever lost inside the earth. When eaten by earthquake, any soft core characters cannot be revived anymore..
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