Does anyone know what it is?|||Hmm I was wondering the exact same thing, figured someone else discussed it in another thread, but apparently not. None of the skills listed so far match this mysterious skill�Arcane corpse blast?|||Wait it could be a number of things .. could u give a time reference in the video (i.e. 0:35 to 0:41).
It could be the level up animation, or arcane orb, or even acid cloud from what you're describing.|||Its none of those. It happens an aweful lot in the wizard trailer. It was discused back then I think and there has never been a name for it. Will go get some times.
At 1:56 and 1:57 right after the gameplay starts in the video. A level up explosion comes right after this. Again at 2:00, 2:08 right before the ray of frost. Then at 2:19, 2:28, 2:29. Also in the b roll at 1:38, 1:39.
Looks like it serves the same purpose for the Arcane tree that Acid Cloud does for the Conjuring tree. A pinpoint attack that does not have to travel across the screen to hit.|||I believe she's casting an Arcane Orb right next to an enemy, which detonates it.|||Arcane orb is the large orb that travels from your character to the mob and explodes on impact. She is not shooting any orbs. I would have changed that pic in the wiki but I wasn't sure if it was this skill or not. Look at when she uses arcane orb in the other Blizzcon videos, they are totally different. This is an explosion that erupts from the ground wherever you target it. Like how acid cloud drops acid where you target it. There is no projectile.|||So I rewatched the trailer, and I definately see what you guys are talkng about. hmmm .. it can only mean we don't have the complete wizard skill tree and that's an unlisted skill.|||If you look closely, it resembles a mushroom cloud.

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