Diablo III will have the Wiz, the Barb, and the WD. That wiz informally means urinate doesn't really make any difference. It can also mean someone very skilled at something (wiz kid). The homophone whiz is a verb meaning to speed by or twirl around.
I anticipate skill tree names being used as much as class names. Stormer, conjurer, arcanist, juggernaut, berserker, battlemaster. The Witch Doctor's trees don't really make for easy conjugation, but he may may be referred to as the Plague Doctor (PD), Vodoo Doctor (VD), or Spirit Doctor (SD). That's a wild guess, though.|||I say wiz. When I think of wzd I think of the whole word wizard - and I'm too lazy for that.|||Wiz sounds silly though. Also, the word wizard itself is not overly hard to think of in your head (seriously?) so I would go with something that sounds cool but is easy to type: Wzd.
@ Doctrinaire - I don't understand the reasoning you used for shortening syllables when you keep massive words like Witch Doctor and Death Knight.|||Quote:
@ Doctrinaire - I don't understand the reasoning you used for shortening syllables when you keep massive words like Witch Doctor and Death Knight.
Compound names aren't kept, they're initialized. That's how it has worked in the past, in any case. In Everquest, the Beastmaster was always called the BM. In WoW, the Death Knight is the DK. It's a pretty consistent trend.
There are four main kinds of abbreviations that we use in written and spoken English. They are initialisms (BBC), acronyms (NATO), contractions (Dr.), and shortenings (Doc). I can't think of a single instance of a contraction being used as forum jargon for anything, let alone a short class name like Wizard. Contractions just kind of suck as informal abbreviations - they really have to be titles or units of measurement to be functionally practical (ft., Mrs., Mr.). You can try to champion using 'Wzd' if you want, but if the past is any indication, the Wizard will be the Wiz.
Edit: Dimmu's post below reminded me that the Assassin was sometimes abbreviated 'Asn'. It seems a contraction has been used before.|||What I meant was that WD isn't shortened at all (to speak) yet everything else has to be shortened to one syllable, as a rule.
Most people probably will use Wiz, but I'm sure Wzd will be used as well.|||Doctrinaire is right.
Amazon~Zon (Ama is just too much to think about, most people see the Z and recognize amazon right away, whereas the A can make you possibly think of assassin)
Necromancer~Necro, and eventually I just started saying Nec.
Paladin~Din/Pala/Pal, since the different paladin builds were so varied and consistantly mentioned, you ended up needing to adress each as such anyway. (Hdin, Smiter, Foher, Zealer, Mage, v/t, and that Hammer/smite build that starts with a D, I can't think of it right now).
Druid~Uhhh Druid.
Assassin~ Most People said Sin, but it felt corny and I said Asn. But just like the Paladin, you usually adressed them by build anyway i.e. Trapper, wwsin, Hybrid, and I guess m/a asns, although they were terrible and rarely seen.
Anyway, the point is that the Wizard will undoubtibly be called "wiz", it's got 2 awkward letters (W and Z) making it instantly recognizable and it fits the normal shortening rules that we use in games. I'm going to assume the Wizard Spike will make a return since it was very popular in both D1 and D2, so things may get confusing, but I always called it wizspike anyway.
Witch Doctor~wd
Wizard~wiz|||With a bunch of people calling chars names like baba, soso, and dudu, I wouldn't be surprised if someday someone starts calling the wizard "wiwi" or "zaza" or something like that. lol. I think wiz is good.

With a bunch of people calling chars names like baba, soso, and dudu, I wouldn't be surprised if someday someone starts calling the wizard "wiwi" or "zaza" or something like that. lol. I think wiz is good.

Yep, it's going to be Zizi for me.|||I was thinking more about:
or maybe just Jack(y).|||Quote:
"Wiz" seems like the logical abbreviation.
yeah and wizzy is EQ1 wizard little nickname
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