And look at stone skin. Would it be so hard to call it steel skin? Blizzard workers are being paid to come up with stuff, this is their big chance to come up with cool names, and instead they just swipe the most famous D&D terms--the cheapest, easiest thing Blizzard can do.
Basically, I agree with the OP about simple renames.
I am certain, if Stone would be Steel you would see whines about clearly stolen, renamed ideas.

I've always wanted to play a proper D&D game.
Not D&D online or NWN.|||Er, define proper D&D game? Because Diablo is about as far from the "essence of DnD" as you can get while remaining within "kill bad things with pointy sticks and pretty lights" realm.|||Personally I'm excited at the chance to use these spells that pay homage to the Wizard/Sorcerer of DnD fame. It makes me think that they're different parts of the same universe, and the dangerous/forgotten lore the Wizard broke in to read about was related to that multiversal knowledge.|||At least they aren't giving us skills like "Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter." First time I read that spell name/description i just thought "wtf!?"|||Quote:
Er, define proper D&D game? Because Diablo is about as far from the "essence of DnD" as you can get while remaining within "kill bad things with pointy sticks and pretty lights" realm.
Point is: No computer D&D game has EVER been true to the rules, and I say:
Either do it all the way, or use the skills and spells to do it an entirely other way.
I hate the half-way D&D games that pretend to be D&D, but are only as close to D&D as... er... Serious Sam is to Call of Duty.|||lol proper D&D game in the diablo world, now thats funny|||Quote:
lol proper D&D game in the diablo world, now thats funny
It has D&D skills/spells, but not lore or characters.
Which is better than D&D skills, screwed up D&D rules and screwed up D&D characters -- like every computer D&D game to date.
It's better to use some gameplay elements, and stay the heck away from the rules -- than calling the game a D&D game and NOT sticking to the rules.
a) A D&D game -- Great!
b) A game that calls itself D&D, which isn't, but still works -- Ok
c) A game that calls itself D&D but only does it half-heartedly -- Not great
d) A game that doesn't call itself D&D but has some D&D elements -- Great!
All computer D&D games to date fall into category c).
Diablo III falls into category d).
I like category a), can accept category b) and I like d) -- but I hate category c).|||diablo is nothing like D&D and i hope it stays that way|||You can't say nothing, as all/most fantasy games borrow from d&d. While Blizzard might of used more original spells at least it fits the mage's character. And like Drytchnath said, no useless/non combative spells like hideous laughter or summon 5 pounds of iron. Or know alignment. That was utterly horrible.
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