Agreed. Wizards need spells which is destructive while the damage can be spread over a huge area.
One good example would be Black Hole. When Black Hole is casted. this spell sucks in any Wizard's enemies including bosses and enemy players into the hole causing them to vanish forever. Soft core characters sucked inside the black hole cannot be revived anymore.
We should also return Apocalypse from Diablo 1. When casted, Apocalypse can damage all Wizard's enemies within xxx radius including enemies hidden behind the wall. The damage type is special which cannot be resisted.
When Earthquake is casted, the Wizard can manipulate the earth in such a way that the there will be tremors and the enemies will be fall inside the earth. As such the enemies will be permanently dead and forever lost inside the earth. When eaten by earthquake, any soft core characters cannot be revived anymore..
Feel free to comment...
Yup all of this is good and possible.
Only if you sleep and pray you dream about it!|||Don't forget, they haven't even released the NAMES of the level 20 skills yet. For all we know, Wizard could have something like Earthquake that damages all enemies and triggers all environmental traps, or something epic like that.
But I agree with most. At high levels with certain runes, some of the Wizard's currently known spells are going to be devastating.|||I wished they wouldn't bring Hydra back though, it has been around since D1.
Something more epic should be used, like maybe summon a Balrog or Dijinn or something, hydras are so... overused

Hydras are awesome dude, that was my favorite spell in D1, or whatever it was called then. I think the wizzard has her fair shair of epic abiliaties, desintigrate for one.
But why Hydra, again?
There are soooooo many other things the wizard can summon

I look forward to see some more spells.|||Quote:
Hydra is simply a classic which has also been embedded into the wizard/mage/sorceress lore. The pendant to Disintegrate, which is simply its icy frosty form is pretty blasting too!
I look forward to see some more spells.
I certainly hope it doesn't just shoot bolts of fire, but rather be a sort of fire base melee attacker or something.
Like a huge multihead beast thingy ripping the enemies apart with its teeth... Mmmm

I certainly hope it doesn't just shoot bolts of fire, but rather be a sort of fire base melee attacker or something.
Like a huge multihead beast thingy ripping the enemies apart with its teeth... Mmmm

More like Cerberus then! Sounds tempting though. Adding some form of melee attack to Hydra would be great!|||as everybody talking about offencive skills i thought of one that should apply some where, thought as wizz skill be nice
Mana Burn
and we know after act 1, especually in act 4 95% using spells, so WTF COULD THEY DO WITHOUT MANA?
Mike|||it lacks meteor D=.
D2 i loved meteor sorcs mass dmg and hard to play because of delay.
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