Go watch the Wizard gameplay from Blizzcon (one with the interface showing) and you will see clearly the wizard equipping an orb and a sword.
Wizards can dual wield weapons but it seems only with magical items like orbs in one hand unlike barbs who can dual wield any 1h weapons.
Also, like many said, she has a staff (like the male monk) and the both the sword and staff only look like enchanted weapons (i.e no magic spells involved)|||Indeed a wizard, looks very familiar to the one shown in the D3 panel video http://www.gamespot.com/news/6216012...s&subj=6216012 at 8:40|||Quote:
I can tell you right now it is not a Monk. It has a frost enchanted sword and a flaming staff as well as severl glowing scrolls. But concept art has nothing to do with gameplay so really this means nothing.
Irrelevant. Barbarians weapons were cold light and fire enchanted in WWI demo.
Plus as far as we know, there is no enchant like abilities in D3 to imbue weapons with elements.|||Quote:
It's clearly the female monk, if you look at the cinematic trailer for the female wizard you'll see that there is no face paint. Not only that but if you erad the male monk description on Blizzard's D3 site you'll see
Just because the concept art isn't identical to the game model doesn't mean it magically becomes something else. The Monk woman will look European, just like the Monk from a city with an affix of 'gorod.' (a clear Slavic nomenclature allusion.)|||Quote:
Just because the concept art isn't identical to the game model doesn't mean it magically becomes something else. The Monk woman will look European, just like the Monk from a city with an affix of 'gorod.' (a clear Slavic nomenclature allusion.)
OMG I remember that horrible art for the classes on each of their pages.
Of course you might be right, it is most probably a wizard, and its true the male monk doesnt look Asian at all ... I cant remember what he reminds me of, not exactly European either|||Pretty sure it's wizard concept art, and awesome concept art at that with that sword and staff/offhand wand. I just hope you can build more melee oriented builds with the wizard in D3, granted you could build melee-sorcs in D2 but you had to be rich as a troll to pull it off...
Also the monks are more of hand to hand style character, altho he is wielding a staff in the trailers, but swords doesn't fit very well for me with the monk.
/end of overanalyzing awesome concept art that is probably mostly meant to be awesome.

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