However, even in Diablo 2, when you actually start 'traveling' around the world, you discover places other than the gothic inspired Tristram and Monastery. The deserts for example. So when you develop the world of sanctuary to an actual 'world map'... you can't expect EVERYTHING to be european medieval. Take a look at Alkor... he's indian! that's why there has to be variety, even more in Diablo 3, there's just no other way...
P.S. Natalia and the assassin class in Diablo 2 were also asian inspired.
P.S.S. I also remember that there were two-handed katanas in Diablo 1 xD|||i ll forgive blizzard for this mistake, if they really make the class fun enough(though i ll go with the male version of the wizard).
i just hope blizzard doesn't make D3 a muliculturalist porn. lets still keep the game western eurasian themed for the most part, arab and european themed that is.
but i can already guess that an act of the game is gonna be asian themed

it's not the end of the world.
p.s. the assasian class was not asian! what makes you think so?|||All I have to say is...
p.s. the assasian class was not asian! what makes you think so?
They are not asians, but they are asian inspired. They have weapons called "katana" for starter... and their martial art skill tree? What culture is that taken from? I never heard of gothic martial art nor arabic martial art lol... well, right maybe there are a few so don't get me there, but just from looking at her moves, even in the character selection screen you can clearly see where does that taken from.|||Moreover, there's a weapon known as a Kris in the original Diablo II. For those unaware, the kris is a very unique type of weapon found only in Southeast Asia. What's more, the image used in Diablo II matches the actual design of a real kris.|||i haven't read the diablo lore, but is their any indication of Asia in there?|||I think that actual asian players will not get the hype because of the wizard's look. all the asian players of D2 that I know, including myself, playing Diablo series because they are DIFFERENT from all other online fantasy games heavily themed with korean/japanese art direction. wizard's asian appearence won't hurt, as long as it is handled right in the game, but I personally am not excited about their asian juice, so if Blizzard throw in wizard for the game to appear to asian crowds, that part is not working so far.
having said that, as long as there is no playable dwarf and elf class running around, Diablo will still be my choice. that is why I quite GW2 and never engaged WOW.|||I think the Wizard being Asian was an accident on Blizzard's part; i.e. they didn't start with the intention on creating an Asian character but rather that it was the best fit.
If you look at the Wizard's original concept art, you will notice that the Wizard looks more Romani and less grandiose in style with her braided hair, 'hippie' headband and tassels. When you listen to the Wizard's development, they started with the play style concept rather than personality.
Then, as they started filling out the back story, they probably realized that the Wizard's defining traits as a character were that she was young, arrogant, vain and most importantly, an outsider in a foreign land. This is most effectively conveyed visually by making the character a young Asian dressed in fine clothing. I mean, just by looking at the in-game model, you already get a rough idea of who she is in the Diablo setting. She stands out and doesn't fit in but unlike the Witch Doctor and Barbarian, it's not in a savage way. She probably considers herself as sophisticated and worldly as those around her, if not more than.|||I really really wonder, also looking at the post that have been added, how one couild not realize that the Diablo world is already inspired by many cultures (there is only one human race, apart from our different colors and shapes we are physiologically the same) including asian themes.
The mage in Diablo 1 had dark skin and looked african in his features and picture. How does that fit into a "middle-aged" playing theme? I think this question about middle-aged theme is irrelevant to me and also the fact that a character has some asian looks does not bother me either.
The world of Diablo is no place where the anime world has intruded, just because a character has slim eyes and high cheekbones and a graceful powerful walk.|||Quote:
i like lots of asian stuff and i think some of them are great people.
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