They weren't happy with most shrines in D2. Like the stamina shrine, has anyone ever made good use of it? Shrines will probably return in a better way.
I hope shrines return in some form similar to what they were in the first Diablo game. They affected your characters in a much more serious way... some really good, some really bad, and some were a straight up compromise. It made shrines a much more exciting part of the game.|||Wow, the game looks great! It's really no less "dark" than Diablo II, and the 3D, stylized art direction just looks so much better than the first two games. I think the art style really fits well with the franchise. It still looks like Diablo.
Also, I'm LOVING the new inventory. I was pretty skeptical about the one shown in the initial gameplay video. Looks like they found a great way to modify the old system to make it less of a hassle while still keeping the old feel.
I'm so excited.|||Am i the only one that thinks the red outline when the wizard target monsters need to be refined?|||Quote:
Am i the only one that thinks the red outline when the wizard target monsters need to be refined?
I'd say so. Most want it removed.|||Quote:
I'd say so. Most want it removed.
Me too

What do Wizard fans think of the new gameplay footage released through GameTrailers?
I couldn't make out the Arcane Orb stats at about 00:09 of the first video. There seems to be two stats on it. First is 11-16 and the second reads 1-2 something damage or is that duration? It's mana 7 but I'm not sure what level it is.
Do you think the 'Ice Armor' buff he has is from a shrine or self inflicted? The 'Fortune' one is from the shrine he has just passed as I can see the word Fortune in the description (despite how blurred it is) but not sure about the Ice Armor.
And yes, you can still namelock in D3.
Fortune = Your chance to find magic igems and gold is greatly increased.
Ice Armor = Slows movement and attack of enemies that attack you.
Just got back from day one. The 1-2 is the aoe damage when it explodes after it hits a target. The 11-16 damage is the initial hit from the orb. When the spell criticals, it can silence an enemy(or enemies?). The stats for this spell is based off of a level 1 out of a rank 5 (I think) spell.
Level 2 gets about 14-19 damage with a 2-4 damage aoe effect and has a mana cost of 9. During the demo, it was my most used spell because it had the best range and was pretty spammable.
The Ice Armor seems to pretty much be a copy/paste job from Diablo 2. It functions pretty much in the same way.
Hotkeys that the game started with:
1 - Ice Armor
2 - The image spell. I can't remember the name, but it makes a single copy of yourself that casts spells on its own. Similar to the Shadow Master of Diablo 2.
3 - Frost Nova - Pretty much the same, but I can't remember if it freezes or just chills. Has a cooldown of 12 seconds.
4 - Blank
5 - Health Potion - I got several of these to start. I think it fully heals now, but has a cooldown.
Left click - Spectral Shard - Sort of a melee / splash damage thing that costs 6 mana at rank 3/5. Deals physical damage. Didn't like using it that much because it got me in melee range.
Right click - Arcane Orb
Tab - Throw wand - Not a spell, just throws like a small and weak projectile at the enemy. When you press Tab, Throw wand switches with Arcane Orb as the right click spell.
Pressing alt once reveals all the items on the ground permanently. I don't know how to turn it off. Also, I don't know if there's a /nopickup feature. Some of the bigger monsters were pretty hard to deal with. It took loads of Orb to take out one of those spinning Dune thingies. The female wizard looks ALOT like the Sorceress, maybe even more than the D3 Barbarian resembles the D2 Barbarian.
Overall, I was more excited about SC2 gameplay than D3. Which was a bit of a disappointment, but I'm sure others can disagree with me.|||Misunderstood the questions....
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