Muds sound fun, I created a semi-one a while ago, but it was brief and didn't work to well.
It was a completely horrible spell. It was like a hold person for 1 round with like +500 bonus to save spell... plus it doesn't work as well on other races as they "don't understand your humor". So I doubt the demons would be amused.
You'd be better off with a control demon spell or banish...
I agree with a previous post, I'm dumber for reading this.|||Also, Diablo 1 was craeted

Example: The rich kid hates his dad since he got a red Ferrari instead of a blue one.|||Quote:
You guys are just diverting the problem. As I mentioned, it's not about words that are in the dictionary, like 'lightning'. Lightning is fair game for anyone to use.
Stoneskin is not in the dictionary; it's in D&D. It's a D&D creation. So it's kind of like you make a TV show for kids and the host is a big purple dinosaur named 'Barney'. But didn't someone else already do that? Aren't you just copying someone else's success?
They say leech is not in the game. I don't know about that. Looks like Blizzard is leeching from other's successes. Not that they have to, which makes it sad.
Anyway, I admit plagerism might not be the right term for what's going on, as we can't see the credits in the game. But the fact remains that many D&D spells are put in d3. Why?
The words "magic" and "missile" are also in the dictionary. "Barney" would not be.
Things like spells need to be generic. Like a previous poster said, if you named it something like Vzjeri blast (or however you spell it), people who don't know the lore are gonna be like "wtf?!?!".
And why does everyone make such a big deal about it being so apparently close to DnD? Couldn't you accuse DnD of being a copycat of any fantasy game before it? And all of those games copycats of whatever was before it?
Lets face it guys, it's impossible to create anything totally original,no matter what they come up with we're going to find similarities in it to something else (which people will whine endlessly about). And why waste time when we know this.
And really, renaming just makes them look more like pathetic copycats.|||Personally Vizjerei blast sounds cool, but is to elemental for the wizard perhaps?
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