Player A: "What kind of wiz are you?"
Player B: "magic missile, hydra, meteor, electricute, blizzard, tornado, stone skin, all relavant passives maxed."
Player A: "Why did you max meteor? You already got hydra for fire damage."
Player B: "Because meteor storm is now in Arcane tree and renamed Arcane Torrent, probably purple arcane damage meteors fall instead."
Fixed :P :P
Also wouldnt hurt to have both hydra and meteor assuming its still fire based, wouldnt hurt nobody|||But don't you think it's a bit silly to be a master of so many things? I think it does hurt, because anyone who wants to be the best at meteor (or any skill for that matter) is going to be in a world where everyone else is a master of meteor too.|||Quote:
But don't you think it's a bit silly to be a master of so many things? I think it does hurt, because anyone who wants to be the best at meteor (or any skill for that matter) is going to be in a world where everyone else is a master of meteor too.
I think for PvM being a master of so many things is a necessity and is the main reason why they have done it, they said themselves, is they want each character to have multiple elements vs monsters with high res and immunes.
As for PvP, you bring a good point, I am quite answer-void on that one, however I should mention that Bashiok and Jay Wilson have over and over again stated that skill runes will help immensely in that regard, as well as various other 'unmentionables and other systems' they keep mentioning (the irony, they keep mentioning unmentionables :P)
I should remention skill runes

There are 5 kinds of runes, with different grades, and we dont know how much you can socket, if order or combinations make huge differences, etc.
So you could technically both be masters of meteor, but each player's meteor will have a different 'feel' or effect to it.
Plus, who knows how strongly items and new affixes will effect character customisation this time around?
Blizzard have learned from D2 Im sure, and if anything they want to progress, not regress. So I have faith that all this autostatting and respeccing and 5 max skills (actually its 15 with + skills they said, kinda close to pre 1.07 classic D2, after 20 you wouldnt reach the 30s or 40s++ you see in LoD) are there for a reason and will be offset with other nice incentives

I could be wrong, but I hope Im right!!! Time will tell.|||I wish blizzard would at least partly reveal what awaits us in regards to runes and even gear, so we know at least a little about the options we'll have in regards to customization. Of course, even so, I trust blizzard to make a great game.|||Quote:
I iush blizzard would at least partly reveal what awaits us in regards to runes and even gear, so we know at least a little about the options we'll have in regards to customization. Of course, even so, I trust blizzard to make a great game.
Me too.
I am in the same spot with Barbarians as Wizard fans are with their ... well ... Wizards

I am really curious as to how substantial physical damage numbers are going to be racked up, as so far the skill descriptions dont include much %ed. Last year's tree was full of damage passives and damage modifiers, all gone now. Also how critical damage works, as it doesnt seem to be a constant +100%. I'm sure affixes and runes will play a huge part in this, and will have to wait and see. But I wouldn't mind Blizzard revealing some of these mechanics, not leave them up to game release.|||Quote:
If you prefer, I can call it a statement with nonexistent basis in reality that demonstrated that you liked something in D2 and believe that it will no longer be in D3.
No. I merely demonstrated the differences between the two games. I do not wish that they change D3. D2 has a charm in which a player deep in the game (like me) thinks is fun. But D2 is horrendous for casual and new players. And even so, even for me it's good that it changed. There was so much variation in D2, but in a way it was "unclean". It was a big mess.
The mess is my favorite thing about D2, but it won't fit in with modern games anymore. It's like some people may love and have great memories of 2d games and the fun that 2d gives, but thinks that new games should be in 3d.
It's hard to explain, but anyway, I'm satisfied with what blizz have done up until now (except that they took away diminishing returns, which I think kinda sucks since now all skills are "all or nothing" more or less).

Me too.
I am in the same spot with Barbarians as Wizard fans are with their ... well ... Wizards

I am really curious as to how substantial physical damage numbers are going to be racked up, as so far the skill descriptions dont include much %ed. Last year's tree was full of damage passives and damage modifiers, all gone now. Also how critical damage works, as it doesnt seem to be a constant +100%. I'm sure affixes and runes will play a huge part in this, and will have to wait and see. But I wouldn't mind Blizzard revealing some of these mechanics, not leave them up to game release.
Yeah, as I was looking at the wizard's skills, I noticed that the damage of some of her offensive skills was rather small. I didn't seemany % modifirers that would greatly increase this so I am wondering, how will we able to rack up the damage?
I'm guessing that the "spell power" stat may be one of the main things to rack up wizard damage with, as well as the willpower stat. I guess it's supposed to be a kind of a replacement for synergies and such, and I also believe it's going to give not just wizards, but other classes, very broad customization options when it comes to the power of thir skills. As far as the barb goes, he will probably be deriving a good deal of his damage from strength and such.
It appears to me that damage of a char's skills may greatly vary due to all the elements that increase it.|||orb items might modifier spell power
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