if (attribute auto) then (not melee wizard)
I don't think that is correct. The skills for a melee type wizard are there and since there are NO attribute requirements on items you could get items that boost the needed attributes.|||Also the Wizard has a skill that increases her health by a %, so she could potentially be a tank (especially against slowed enemies).|||A "Tank" Wizard could be feasable. Especially if they specialize in the Conjuring Tree and with the aid of the Arcane Armor skill from the Arcane Tree...
Arcane Armor
While your Storm Armor, Stone Armor, Stone Skin or Temporal Armor spells are active, your armor is increased by 20%.
* Rank: 0/15
Another interesting mastery; this one boosts the armor, but only while one (or more) of the other protective spells are active.
I wonder if one could use multiple + armor spells... IIRC Frozen Armor and Chilling Armor and Shiver Armor canceled each other out if used together... I wonder though if a spell like Stone Skin, and Storm Armor stack. Since they don't actually do the same thing; Stone Skin repels damage up to a point while Storm Armor damages the enemy slightly. Arcane Armor does increase the armor bonus if you have Stone Skin up, like it does Storm armor and Temporal armor however. So this leads me to believe that they probably don't stack. Unless the armor bonus from Arcane armor is separate from the armor bonus from Storm armor - meaning that it only triggers while the armor spell is active and it doesn't add to the armor bonus on the spell, rather multiplies the base armor then adds the multiplier from a spell like storm armor.
Armor Spells may stack and remain balanced if the equation is...
Base armor * Storm Armor = X
Base Armor * Arcane Armor bonus = Y (while armor spell is active)
Base Armor * Stone Skin = A
Base Armor * Temporal Armor = B
Base armor +X +Y +A +B = Total Armor
Arcane Armor may stack but would probably be imbalanced if the equation is...
(Armor Spell > 0 = Base armor + Arcane Armor Bonus = B
(Base armor * Storm Armor) = X *B
(Base armor * Stone Skin) = Y *B
(Base armor * Temporal Armor) = A *B
Base armor +X*B+Y*B+A*B = (Total Armor)B�
Meaning that you'd get the armor bonus from Storm armor and the benefits of Stone Skin and Temporal armor plus the armor bonus from Arcane Armor three times resulting in an exponential increase in your bonus armor rating if you have only two armor spells active...
The Arcane Armor bonus should only apply once, but It would be interesting if the Armor spells could stack. Though from what I'm foreseeing that probably won't be the case, since the armor spells could render the Wizard virtually invulnerable to harm. Since the stacking of armor bonuses from Arcane Armor along with the Base Damage reduction from Stone Skin and Temporal Armor would result in a steady stream of 0 damage to the Wizard and the Combination with Storm Armor would deal a steady amount of Damage to the Wizards assailant, if the base armor is high enough. It basically means that Arcane Armor would be abused as a skill and may give the Wizard Greater armor class than the Actual "Tanks" built into the game. It would definetly be a Broken PVP skill so Arcane Armor should only Trigger Once only if at least one Armor Spell is active and not give bonus armor for each armor spell active.
At least my hopes are that Blizzard will be Balancing game play not only for PVE but for PVP also.|||Just thought I would add that the interview with JW on the front page confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that melee wizard will not only be feasible, but is actually a build that Blizzard specifically designed the Wizard to utilize. I think we probably all knew that by looking at the skill tree, but with Jay Wilson flat out saying it, it really gives me confidence that not only will the build be available, but it will actually be good, even untwinked.
For me, that is exciting news. This will be the first build I play, unless something amazing presents itself via the two unannounced classes or release of skills for Doc and Barb.|||I agree with NKlint here. Stacking armors would possibly overpower the wizard gameplay or some kind of drawbacks would have to be added when multiple armors are active, which then kind of defeats the purpose and only adds more things that need to be considered about the balance of skills and balance of the different character classes.
And thankyou Sylvanite for sharing this very good piece of information out of the videos

i actually built sword sorc (which nobody did) on d2, maxed lvl enchant, and maxed lvl on shileld defence so that sorc won die easily. it was however useless cuz it couldnt kill single monster in hell level lol.
so what i did was increasing her strenght an gave her better sword. I think I gave her grandfathersword, which she finally started killing hell monsters, yet slowly

and the life??? with auto stat i think that life is poor
wiz has a skill that boosts total hp, i see no problems with a melee wiz now, infact like i said before i think they will be even better in d3 as the devs have given alot of skills to support a battlemage build|||Look into the First build ideas for some ideas for a melee wizard and see for yourself, that this will be quite possible. even just look at the skills in the conjuring tree. Most of those skills are laid out for melee wizard builds.
Stats will need to be aquired through items. Since there are NO stat requirements for items, wearing heavy plate won't be a problem, unless this is restricted by class, which might pose a problem then.
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