but in the female wizard's case.....
''I put on my death and destruction gear''|||Very very cool, if I had to make a character for D3 right now I'd make an "Arcane" focused Wizard.|||Woot, an asian class at last! =D|||Quote:
Woot, an asian class at last! =D
u can argue that the barb is asian. he looks like something from the huns.

It looks like the Wizard will be a much more diverse character then the Sorc. I could see skills that affected multiple ranges and areas of effect. Being an effective melee fighter actually looks like a viable option. There's a weapon damage booster, various shields, the "energy sword" they kept showing, the multi-decoy spell, and of course the Slow Time spell.|||To me in the wizard trailer (~2:11) it looked like there was a bunch of missiles caught in a slow time bubble and then the wizard reflected them back. I like. I like the multi-decoy and I also like Meteor... alot.|||I've just had the pleasure of seeing the official Wizard Trailer. OMFG! The Wizard will be my first D3 character.
The first two thirds of the trailer is tease, then you get to see what the Wizard can do. As usual the action is so fast paced and its difficult to determine what spells she is using. In addition to the 5 spells documented on Blizzards Site I also spotted the D3 version of Meteor fall from the heavens and an Ice Spell that froze 2 large enemies. At 2:06 there's another undocumented skill going down on a large mob - any idea what skill this is?
The spells the Wizard is dishing out are very impressive, they are probably at a very high level. My favourite is the Slow Time effect that looks totally awesome, very similar to what they've done in SC2 with a mothership ability.
Blizzard's site shows clearly how 5 of the skills work, probably level 1 skills.
Disintigrate - Red laser beam that will eventually explode the target. New in D3.
Electrocute - Similar to lightning bolt, not as much of a room clearer as chain lightning though.
Teleport - yep, it's in D3, I wonder if it can be spammed, let's hope not.
Magic Missile - Replacement for fireball? The purple plumes I suppose indicate magic damage.
Slow Time - kickass spell, my favourite.|||Electocute

I liked the video, but I'll wait until the last 2 classes are out until I choose one.|||after seeing the wizard vid i can honestly say it looks ****ing fun to play.

Just watched the vids and am very impressed with all of it. I don't play alot of sorcs in D2 but this may change my mind on the class for D3. The slow time bubble looks very cool for a start but what impressed me most was how polished the environment is even at this stage. Love the dark, atmospheric look of the whole thing and the minion rising in a cloud of green vapour is a nice touch.
On the whole its looking good. Blizz appear to be staying true to D2 gameplay while adding a tonne of new stuff. As for the Wizard class, where do I sign up for my pointy hat and girly robe?
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