But I'm not a designer and I assume I won't like every skills there (I didn't like many in D2), then I'm fine with the game.
For me, the coconut is similar to assa shurikens too. I think the skill looks amazing in the witch doctor, and fits perfectly with his -debatable- role.|||I could be wrong, but the description for the wizards temporal armor skill is: "Surrounds the wizard in a protective shell that stops all damage from an attack every 6 seconds. The shell dissipates after absorbing 12 attacks."
Sound suspiciously similar to your bubble that reduces damage.|||and if we all go back to d2 with infernor spell, how many "infernos" have you seen latlely?

�I don�t like blah, listen to me, my opinions are so valuable, blizzard stop it!�
Enlighten us some more plz, oh wise one.|||Come on, people, we can manage to have a civilised discussion about the laser skill, can't we? My main beef with it is that I can't stop myself from thinking about Liero, when I see it. I agree that it's a bit futuristic for Diablo and I think it looks out of place in the videos we've seen. It probably is very fun to use though.
On the other hand, I loved every single other wizard skill I've seen so far, so no biggy for me, if the laser stays. The time buble is my favourite.|||I personally see nothing wrong with the disintegrate spell. You say you want to replace it with something unique, but this skill itself seems quite unique. It has many characteristics that no other spells in the game have (less damage through multiple monsters, instantaneously casting to where mouse is pointed, dealing more damage to a single target over time possibly?). Ray of frost is the only spell announced so far that seems anything similar. So you want to replace this offensive spell with another armor type spell? Not too mention if you are complaining about "uniqueness" you proposed an idea based off a spell they already mentioned... Standing still while casting this spell makes the character at a disadvantage. Sure the spell looks supreme right now but that is just in the demos so far, and the game is far from finished.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2S5...eature=related
Check out this player taken gameplay video and tell me Disintegrate isn't awesome.|||Heretics.
The LAZER is the greatest thing about Diablo 3 Wizard by far. I wanted a skill like since forever.|||Why does no one remember the single greatest addition to the game so far?
They're called SKILL RUNES.
They let you CUSTOMIZE your skills.
Like Slow Time that does damage.
Or Slow Time that lasts longer.
Or Slow Time that reduces damage inside it.
Or Slow Time that takes up a bigger area.
Seriously, veteran player, you need to grow up.|||The laser beams and whatnot in Star Wars never made anyone blow up in a goretastic shower of goodies. Disintegrate does, and it is freaking sweet. Plus there are some epic cool moves in Star Wars, and sure there are a couple put in D3, but then again you could just say that the wizard is a guy who happens to be able to wield a sword and use magic abilities. If you tell me that that is too similar to a Jedi, I'll tell you that the Star Wars films made Han Solo look too much like John Wayne, and that the Jedi were too similar to the knights in the Idylls of the King, and that the Idylls of the King ripped off stories from the Bible, and that the Bible ripped off stories from ancient Sumeria, and that ancient Sumeria ripped off . . .
Who else is making a Jedi/Sith themed melee char for their first wizard?
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