nice music, thro how is it realted to topic? or this is music you listening to while playing?|||Quote:
nice music, thro how is it realted to topic? or this is music you listening to while playing?
I guess I'm off of the No-Troll-Post diet for now.
It was related to the Penetrating Spells passive. If a Cold Mastery effect that applies to all spells doesn't make you happy to play a Wizard, not much will.
*goes with the music* "I cllicked on the link and I saw the skill then I JIZZ... IN MY PANTS."
As far as the song goes, it's hilarious how oblivious most people are of the satire in their music, how devolved pop/hip-hop "music" has become to where that song and "I'm On a Boat" are treated as the real thing.|||Quote:
I guess I'm off of the No-Troll-Post diet for now.
It was related to the Penetrating Spells passive. If a Cold Mastery effect that applies to all spells doesn't make you happy to play a Wizard, not much will.
*goes with the music* "I cllicked on the link and I saw the skill then I JIZZ... IN MY PANTS."
As far as the song goes, it's hilarious how oblivious most people are of the satire in their music, how devolved pop/hip-hop "music" has become to where that song and "I'm On a Boat" are treated as the real thing.
so you saying that this music must have been taking more seriouse, but what for those people that called nuddiest must be feeling? they naked after all, so they cant feel it, they have no pants on....

the title of the song, "Jizz in my pants" means... something men do when they see something they really, really like.|||Quote:
the title of the song, "Jizz in my pants" means... something men do when they see something they really, really like.
men... be more specific, some man find cars very much of likable.... some games.... and no, man DOES NOT LIKE WOMAN.... HE LOVES WOMAN

so like i said, be more specific

But yeah, the reaction to woman, except towards something else.|||To solve both the teleport and the boss farming only problems, I would suggest making the drop formula be partially determined by what % of enemies in an area has been already killed.
This would promote exploration while also rewarding teams that clear most of an area.

As for whether Teleport can go through walls, as others have said, what we've seen of gameplay videos implies it cannot. I also agree it probably should not, it still gives you a tactical advantage (for offense or defense), while helping to prevent skipping most of the level. IMO this is a better solution than a timer, since a timer would limit its use as a tactical skill. This way you can still spam it around the screen (as mana allows) to reposition for better attacks or to get out of danger, but can't skip to the boss. If you really must bypass enemies, it seems like it will allow you to do that as well, you just have to follow the same walking paths, but at much greater speed and won't get stuck at choke points like another class might.|||Yes, going through the whole level is important, but the team shouldn't feel obligated to hunt down one or two that escaped from a crowd if it will slow things down.
Look at the gameplay video. The Witchdoctor fails to kill one of the scavengers. If he had gone after it the flow of the game would have suffered.
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