One of my regrets about Blizzcon is that I only played Wizard in PvM twice, and they were my first two games. And my only PvP Wizard was also my first game, when I was least competent with the controls and tactics.
I love Electrocute, and want to try it with all of the runes. The skill is such fun to flash across the screen and take down all small/fast targets; more fun than Disintegrate since it locks on and you get to see them struggling against it for a moment before they die in a sizzling husk.
MM is very fun to use, especially with Indigo for the MS. Frost Nova, Slow Time, and Wave of Force look like such fun to torment monster packs with.
I'm very curious to see how Blizzard differs from Arcane Torrent in range, damage, duration, etc.
I love flashing out a bunch of Hydras and watching them team up to cook enemies. I hope the 1 at a time limit was just in the Arena, and isn't how the skill works in general, now.
I'm very curious to see how Mirror Image and Familiar work. Especially if you have them both at once.
I'm even curious to see how the char plays with limited teleports. I've always played a very fast, click-intensive style of mage in D1 and D2. I'm much more into the nova/charged bolt/static/FO style, where it's about fast moving and lots of casting. But those styles generally require a lot of teleporting in and out of packs and danger, and that might not be an option in D3.|||Well, Familiar obviously is basically thunderstorm. If it can't be targetted or damage by enemies... I don't think it would interact with mirror image in special way at all. Though, depending on how closely is the Familiar chained to hte main Wizard model, it might end up interfering with the "ha ha you can't figure out which Wizard is real" bit. Then their interaction does become interesting.
Arcane Torrent has to be the most resource efficient or highest DPS ability when compared to Blizzard/Meteor. If the description doesn't lie, there is no duration, there is no cooldown, it's a hold down and fire away as long as you can button. Otherwise, it's nigh pointless - Blizzard is a fire and forget slow with damage, Meteor is ludicrous spike damage. Torrent's only has one niche here as a channeling pure damage spell.
Teleport might be an option, at least outside of PvP with sufficient point investment (assuming points decrease cooldown). We'll see.
**Actually, the most interesting difference has to be between the primary arcane nukes. I am talking Magic Missile, Arcane Orb, Disintegrate, Arcane Torrent. All 4 are mouse geared skills, clearly being configured to be primary attacks. How exactly will they be differentiated by damage, ease of hitting, efficiency, etc? It looks like there could be plenty of conflict between them.|||My first will most likely be the one I posted on Neltharion's topic.
A build that has Mirror Image, Telaport, Familiar, and Hydra as the 4 major skills. I might have to trade out a skill if I can't do enough damage.|||glass cannon, baby! lots of movement and damage, purely relying on my skill as a player to stay alive - that's my playstyle and i love how the traits seem to support it so well.
CAN'T WAIT AAARGH...!|||So far, I'm going to focus my build on electric skills and mad stun, since electrocute and lightning hydras automatically hit, but I just hope the damage is just as good.
Electrocute - Runed for Extra Damage/Stun
Hydra - Runed for Lightning
Teleport - Must have
Slow Time - Must have
Mirror Image - Maybe
Storm Armor/Diamond Skin - Not sure which to use yet, since I already would have Slow Time and Teleport to get out of bad situations, so Storm Armor would just add to more Lightning Damage and hopefully STUN
Focuses mainly on as much damage as possible and as much stun as possible|||I'm going to be going frost. Probably these skills:
Ray of Frost
Ice Armor
Frost Nova
Slow Time
Teleport|||i'm often surprised by the "i'm going <<insert one type of elemental damage here>>" approaches of some guys here on the forums. do you not plan on being able to do stuff solo once in a while? you guys do realize that there will be high resistances and immunities, right?
a build like the one DMG is planning, relying on purely lightning damage, doesn't seem viable to me at all.
just curious, did i miss some interview stating that immunites or very high resistances will not be a major element of NM + Hell?|||Yes, you did. Multiple of them, in fact. Can't find them in the mists of 200+ interviews spaced out, but they are out there.|||So here's my thoughts on a first wizard build, bit of a debuff then melee suicide build:
Ice Armor
Frost Nova
Explosive Blast
Magic Weapon
Something to slow quick ranged enemies (magic missile w/trait or ray of frost or something, runed arcane orb etc.)
Traits: Black Ice, Prismatic Cloak, Conjured Armor, Blur, Weapon Master, Drain Power
Drop Blizzard on a group, run in, Frost Nova, Explosive Blast, clean up with Magic Weapon melee. Rely on insane defense boosts from traits and Ice Armor (as well as slowing/freezing enemies) to stay healthy, as well as Drain Power if that trait functions as we currently think.|||Quote:
Yes, you did. Multiple of them, in fact. Can't find them in the mists of 200+ interviews spaced out, but they are out there.
Alright, when I found Bashiok's post concerning the "resistant, but not immune" mechanic, I remembered having read it before. Thanks for clarification. Still think there should be one spell of a different school of magic in everybody's arsenal, but you can still try to kill cold resistant mobs with Ray of Frost and Blizzard if you have the patience

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