So this thread is about Critical Hit, in D3 CH also happens with Spell and Elemental Dmg

* Physical Damage: Deals double damage. Might also knockback, but not confirmed.
* Arcane Damage: Critical hits from arcane damage silence targets for 4 secs. (Silenced targets can not cast some spells, such as a Skeletal Summoner or Goatman Shaman resurrecting fallen minions.)
* Cold Damage: Critical hits from cold damage freeze targets for 2 seconds.
* Fire Damage: Critical hits from fire damage set targets ablaze, dealing additional damage per second.
* Lightning Damage: Critical hits from lightning damage stun targets for 2 seconds.
* Toxic Damage: Critical hits from toxic (poison) damage have an unknown bonus. Extra damage over time?
We haven't known if the amount of time for the effect will reduce on players/gears or not but with Wizard multiple-hit skills: Disintegrate, Ray of Frost and Electrocute,.... (super fast, rock crusher direct hit and rehit every 1s and Lightning spell sure to hit alot, causing 2s stun every time it crits) so we will sure to cause lots of effects on enemies.
About CH, % chance can be affected by:
_ % Base of a skill, but we haven't known how much.
_ Each point of Dex + % Crit chance, more over + % dodge and -% interrupted getting hit (like % FHR) which is very good

_ Wizard Traits: Cruelty (max + about 25%), Superior Skill + more Dex.
_ Gears.
So with right gears, dex and traits we will sure to get at least 50% to crit

So this is my build and traits, this build (only PvP) focuses heavily on % CH (so dmg may be low) but I don't care, I just want to drive the enemies crazy by causing mass effects of slow, stun, freeze, knock and mass mirror images

The Annoying 1 Hit Kill Wizard

My Skill are: Hydra, Mirror Image, Meteor, Wave of Force, Teleport, Ray of Frost, Storm Armor( jaw crusher I don't know if we can abuse this skill, like buff it on and remove

First is Hydra, use the rune that turns it into Lightning Hydra. If some one notices in the PVP gameplay clip or Blizzard Panel we can see that Hydra has extremely short cooldown. More over Lightning Hydra casts Chain lightning which hits instantly (never miss) with long range and high attack rate, 3 heads. When this skill combines with high % CH and other skills like Storm Armor (fire Electric Bolts at near by enemies) and Wizard Traits :Ball of Lightning (Periodically strike an enemy closeby) we will cause mass stun and stun-lock easily

Second is Mirror Image, combines with Mirror Tele (Rune) and WT Soul Split (When your health goes under 50%, an image of the Wizard appears to distract enemies for 3 seconds. This effect cannot happen more than once every 14 seconds) we will have an army of clones ,making enemies crazy and confused finding the true Wizard while suffering from Lightning hydras and mass effects of slow and freeze

Ray of Frost(left hand skill) is obviously for slow and freeze (if crits). It works like Disintegrate ,which appears instantly and hits every second. Combining with Wave of Force (Crit cause knock back,short cooldown) and its an Arcane spell so Temporal Flux will activate (Enemies that have been hit by your Arcane spells are slowed down by 25% for 3 seconds.) and Slow Time => OMG slow

And what will we do while enemies are suffering from these crazy effects

So this thread is about abusing effects from CH

thanks very much ,the text is so good ,thanks for tharing it .|||Quote:
Btw Flux how do u think is it possible to hit people with arcane orb? i mean how big is difference between the speed of projectile and players? arcane orb looks like one of the best wizard nukes for me
With multishot it would be awesome. The thing about D3's Arena that people who haven't played it are probably overlooking is that in a 3v3 much of the damage you take is by accident. You're worrying about the WD or the Barb, and you don't notice the Hydra pop up to your left and start banging on you. Or you're shooting at a wizard and a barb leap attacks you from the side. Etc.
In a 1v1 duel, this wouldn't happen, since you'd be concentrating entirely on one opponent. That type of action only happened in the D3 arena at the end of rounds, when the opponents were thinned out. So don't think of MM as a 1v1 skill; think of skills as what will be useful to fill the area with a lot of potential damage. MM would be good since you could constantly toss them out, filling the area with flying purple damage balls.
This is basically the opposite of how disintegrate worked at blizzcon, where it was great to aim at someone, but useless to just shoot off blindly and hope someone ran into it.|||Hmm i was talking about arcane orb, not MM, but ok - the difference between them is just projectile speed and aoe damage|||This cannot be possible in pvp haha:
Lightning Damage: Critical hits from lightning damage stun targets for 2 seconds.
It is far too powerful given skills you said give 25% increase to crit chance. With gear it will go up and be unbalanced. And against monsters, they will be easier to stun lock because of being able to use mercanaries (if they exist in diablo 3).
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