Anyway what are your thoughts on a melee wiz and which skills would you i.e. complement with spectral blade? Here is my idea of a skill combination:
Conjuration Skill three:
Spectral Blade:
Summons a spectral blade that strikes each enemy in front of the Wizard 3 times causing X physical damage with each hit.
Mirror Image:
Creates an illusionary duplicate of yourself that lasts for 8 seconds and has X% of your health.
Explosive Blast:
A blast of energy explodes at the target causing 10-16 damage(rank 1 only known) in a small radius.
Creates a hydra that attacks your enemies with bolts of fire. Hydra deals 6-10 damage(rank 1 only known) per attack.
Mighty Impact:
Increases critical hit damage by 50%( rank 5. projected)
Stone Skin:
Shield yourself with rock and stone, absorbing 75 damage. Lasts 8 seconds.(rank 1 only known)
Magic weapon:
Imbue your weapon with magical energy granting it increased damage. Damage: 25-35. Duration: 120 seconds.(rank 1 only known)
Storm Skill three:
Empowered Armour:
Increases your armor by X%.
Ice Armour:
A field of ice slows movement and attack speed of enemies that attack you at close range, and causes X cold damage.
Or Storm Armour:
Surround yourself in electrical energy. Electric bolts are automatically fired at attackers for X to Y damage. Armor spells affect you and all nearby allies and you can only be affected by one armor spell at a time.
Perhaps you guys have some more ideas to add, but I definitely think, that hydra will be a imperative part of his strategy, because if we assume it�s something like that of d2, then he would be able to put it whereever he wants on and thus it would make him control the battlefield and thus not be needing to teleport et cetera. However since he also has mighty impact in, which will effect his melee attacks, but also spells, he is getting more use of the skill and that will also be a very important skill like magic weapon and stoneskin. When choosing another skill three I would personally go for the storm three, because it has more defensive spells/skills, which would also benefit the melee wiz more, whereas the only useful spell for the melee wiz in arcane three would be either slow time or teleport. This post is of course entirely speculative on the basis of the information we have about the wiz, and so comments and ideas are welcome.|||I see there has been a similar post like mine. My fault. Anyway you are still welcome to add some comments of course...|||I have had a think about this play style as well. (I am one of those odd people who looks at a classes "role" and tries to fiddle with it to make it fill a different "role" eg. Healer to dps).
The skills I was looking at focusing on were:
Arcane - Slow Time and Teleport
Conjuring (main) - Mirror Image, Stoneskin (assuming no movement debuff), Enchant *cough* Magic Weapon, Spectral Blade
Storm - Frost Nova, Bonechilling Cold!!!!!! and Storm Armour.
The differences seem to be based on play style (from what I can tell). Yours is more of a "tanky" style build ala Paladin, whereas I prefer mobility (which imo is always relative).
General idea would be to teleport in, Freeze as many as possible with the Nova, then hack/spectral blade them all until they die. Slow Time is for protection when tele is on cd, with stoneskin acting like ablative armour)
That's the theory anyways, will need to test it before I can say how effective it might be. (Hint, Hint, Blizzard. Hurry up and finish the ^&*( game

As long as it's like this one|||Quote:
I too am a fan of these strange wacky builds and if there are the stuff to build a melee Wizard, I'd make one.
As long as it's like this one
looks very cool :-) I never did make a melee wizard in D2, but i did make an elemental paladin with elemental dmg charms, conviction and fists of heaven. It was awesome, but since there will be no paladin in d3(perhaps in an expansion?) we�ll have to settle with what we get.|||Add me to the "underpowered variant player" list. I would definitely be interested in a meleezard.
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