Different casting times! Surely a more powerful spell takes longer to cast. If the Wizard is kept rooted to the spot for a good couple of seconds when pouring down meteorites, she's more vulnerable.
Buff spells like Stoneskin might increase the spell casting delay even more.
This is a rough idea, but perhaps when they say increased vulnerability, they could mean a sacrifice of mobility to achieve this end.|||How is this a Resource and not Casting Delay (like in D2)?|||Casting delays decrease fun, not increase it.|||Quote:
How is this a Resource and not Casting Delay (like in D2)?
Haha well. I didn't say it wasn't Casting Delay! :-)
It's loosely a resource in that it regulates how much you cast different spells.
Jay Wilson said something about 'not ever running out of mana', so how would that be any more or less of a resource?
Honestly I don't think my idea is that great, I just wanted to put something out there that is a little less complicated than spell weaves and the like. Ok, I have a variation.
You have an overload bar or something which goes up as you cast spells (the more powerful the spell the more it goes up). When the bar is too high, casting spells causes a backlash which doesn't deal damage, but causes a very annoying stun effect. Being mobile is integral to a Wizard's survival, right? Probably needless to say, the overload drains off when you're not casting spells.
I don't like the idea of losing health from casting too many spells since it divides your attention too much from the action, having to monitor your health bar. Being stunned doesn't require you to shift your focus in the same way.|||Quote:
You have an overload bar or something which goes up as you cast spells (the more powerful the spell the more it goes up). When the bar is too high, casting spells causes a backlash which doesn't deal damage, but causes a very annoying stun effect. Being mobile is integral to a Wizard's survival, right? Probably needless to say, the overload drains off when you're not casting spells.
This idea sounds really fun, trying to maxiumize your damage while not going overboard and hurting yourself. It also will make the game more fast paced and "blasty" as blizz but it I believe.|||Quote:
I don't like the idea of losing health from casting too many spells since it divides your attention too much from the action, having to monitor your health bar. Being stunned doesn't require you to shift your focus in the same way.
Not a bad idea but being stunned isn't any better than losing health, taking control out of the players hand is extremely a bad choice in an ARPG game like D3.
Instead the effect of the overload meter could doing something along those lines (reduce elemental resistance and defense) .. or .. (slows player movement by a percentage) .. or even both ... at 50% overload player is slowed down by 30% and has his resistances and defense down by 25% .. at 100% overload your speed drops by 70% and you resistance/defense drops by 60% .. but your magical attacks has a chance to do up to 300% damage at max overload.
This way the player is still in full control but because very susceptible to any enemy attacks be it magical, melee or ranged .. which is exactly the goal of the Wiz system jay said they are working on .. do you want to be more blasty by sacrificing your durability or not.|||Nice idea, but this could result in players with res gear casting all the time and moving exclusively by teleport. ( ok well like sorcs in d2

Nice idea, but this could result in players with res gear casting all the time and moving exclusively by teleport. ( ok well like sorcs in d2

Good point, but don't forget that gear is important to boost magic damage in D3 (unlike in D2) so a wiz with magic boosting gear (instead of res gear) and overload meter at full will do way more damage.
Also, Teleport does have a 9 sec cool down by default (again unlike in D2) ... that's a long time and will leave you very vulnerable specially if the overlaod meter slows you down and reduces you resistances and base defense.|||Hm.. Instability could simply be something like, the more you got, the longer your cooldowns actually become for each individual spell?
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