Valthek, a great Vizjerei mage confronted her and she attacked him. She relied on trickery and deceit to render Valthek unconscious and then proceeded to flee the city immediately after the encounter. The extensive property damage was assumed to be the result of Valthek's magical prowess, not the young wizard.
However, from the Wizard page on diablo3.com http://us.blizzard.com/diablo3/characters/wizard.xml , it seems pretty obvious that the Wizard did in fact win simply by overpowering Valthek. The story of her using 'trickery and deceit' to render Valthek unconscious was just the 'official story' given to Abd al-Hazir to reassure him and the city's older, conservative population; and the 'extensive property damage' was no doubt caused by the Wizard's reckless, volatile magics.
I'm not sure if the humourous edge on Diablo3.com was lost to whoever wrote that particular section of the Wizard wiki, or if it's because her/his idea was to stick to the 'official' lore (since the idea that the Wizard won through sheer brute force is implied, not explicitly stated from the website, albeit very very strongly implied).
In any case, I think it ought to be changed to reflect what 'really' happened - don't you guys?|||I think I wrote it, and basically, the wiki is mostly meant to be like the "official" documents of the lore, which means we take the tone of the one real official document we have about the events.
However, in many other places myself and others have used "what we know" with meta-information and deduction.
The main problem here is really that we DON'T know exactly what happened, but it could easily be rewritten as "Valthek claimed he was rendered unconscious through trickery and deceit", and perhaps explore that aspect of it to a further extent saying "Experienced and renown writer Abd al-Hazir seems to completely support these claims" etc.
I have personally no problems with you or anyone else adding some flavour to it!

At the same time, don't forget she still IS an apprentice, and would her at lvl 1 in D3 really be so much more powerful than one of the best sorcerers in the city of sorcery? It's very plausible that she indeed used trickery, or at least one specific spell he did not know how to counter (like a time warping one). It's not an instant event to learn a spell, it takes time, even if you have new secrets in front of you.
As many other cases, it's a case by case judgement. Do what you can to improve it, and me or someone else will do ours in turn. That's how wikis roll!

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