[:1]So, with only 7 skills to choose from, how would your pvp wiz look like?
� Charged Bolt - Judging from the BC 09 demo, this spell seems a bit too slow and not enough damaging to be worth using in pvp. It's possible though.
� Spectral Blade - It does physical damage, and may be a very clever way of bypassing the resistances of certain enemies. Getting in melee is dangerous, but time will tell if it is worth leveling.
� Ice Armor - Like with diamond skin, something tells me that the wizard will need a lot of defense.
� Explosive Blast - I could see the use for it, but there is probably better options out there. If the damage is high, teleport/timed explosive blast could be devastating.
� Mirror Image - Depending on the mechanics of mirror images, it may or may not be nessesary and extremely frustrating to fight against.
� Wave of Force - Depending on distance and application, this one has potential to be awesome.
� Frost Nova - Looks awesome considering how, as far as we know, there is no cannot be frozen.
� Electrocute - Probably not needed, you have Disintegrate.
� Arcane Orb - Projectile probably too slow.
� Diamond Skin - I consider this a must have to survive burst damage and when caught at the wrong time while teleport is on cooldown.
� Energy Twister - Probably too slow and unreliable.
� Hydra - On the fence on this one. Once it's runed with lightning it's instant which immediately ranks up the usefulness.
� Disintegrate - Low damage, but it's long range and instant. May or may not be good, but my guess is that most wizards will have this one.
� Energy Shield - Depending on numbers, this one could be a nessesity.
� Ray of Frost - If it's instant and long range like disintegrate, I could see it used for some long range CC.
� Slow Time - From the PvP demo, it seemed like it had it's uses.
� Arcane Torrent - Undecided
� Blizzard - undecided
� Magic Weapon - For team pvp, if the numbers are good it may be worth having
� Meteor - Unless you can rune it for instant drop, I doubt it will be a popular choice.
� Storm Armor - Ice armor is probably better.
� Familiar - Depending on mechanics, it may or may not be worth investing into.
� Teleport - An absolute nessesity.
Given the above, and our lack of knowledge of the mechanics of all skills, my choices would probably be the following:
Disintegrate - Runed for Damage
Teleport - Runed for cooldown reduction (if it exists) or mirror images
Diamond Skin - Runed for cooldown reduction (if it exists) or more absorb.
Frost Nova - Runed for increased radius, cooldown or duration
Hydra - Runed for instant lightning damage
Mirror Image - Runed for more mirror images, or % of damage dealth if it exists.
Slow time - Runed for increased radius, power or cooldown
So what we have here is a decent mix of attack, CC and escape mechanisms.
Note how the 3 offensive spells disintegrate, Frost nova and hydra all have different element(though, Frost nova is more about CC from my understanding - could be substituted for blizzard) to make sure that you always have some way to deal damage against someone with high resist.
Though that may not even be an issue in the final game.
Frostnova and Slow time are your main sources of CC, but acts as escapes too - while diamond skin and teleport are directly meant to save your ***.
Either way, this is my take on a pvp wiz without knowing more than I currently do.|||You have nothing there that actually deals high damage. Disintegrate is a chipping spell, Hydras cannot be so powerful that it kills on its own.
If you are using both Frost Nova and Slow Time, you probably can land Meteor or Twister or Arcane Orb or some big hitter. Plus, with carpetting skills like Charged Bolt or Twister, you may still be capable of denying an area to the enemy - perhaps cover the spawning health orbs with a ton of incoming damage.
I still don't know why people diss Meteor so much. This isn't Diablo 2. "Walk out of the way" isn't going to be a guaranteed counter when a competent Wizard casts it - all she needs is to have you frozen for however long it takes the Meteor come down, and she has access to at least 3 spells that can freeze.|||Quote:
You have nothing there that actually deals high damage. Disintegrate is a chipping spell, Hydras cannot be so powerful that it kills on its own.
If you are using both Frost Nova and Slow Time, you probably can land Meteor or Twister or Arcane Orb or some big hitter. Plus, with carpetting skills like Charged Bolt or Twister, you may still be capable of denying an area to the enemy - perhaps cover the spawning health orbs with a ton of incoming damage.
I still don't know why people diss Meteor so much. This isn't Diablo 2. "Walk out of the way" isn't going to be a guaranteed counter when a competent Wizard casts it - all she needs is to have you frozen for however long it takes the Meteor come down, and she has access to at least 3 spells that can freeze.
there are options to break freeze with skills, if i understood JW corrrectly.
i got super cool pvp wizard build but its a secret build hehehe|||Quote:
You have nothing there that actually deals high damage. Disintegrate is a chipping spell, Hydras cannot be so powerful that it kills on its own.
If you are using both Frost Nova and Slow Time, you probably can land Meteor or Twister or Arcane Orb or some big hitter. Plus, with carpetting skills like Charged Bolt or Twister, you may still be capable of denying an area to the enemy - perhaps cover the spawning health orbs with a ton of incoming damage.
I still don't know why people diss Meteor so much. This isn't Diablo 2. "Walk out of the way" isn't going to be a guaranteed counter when a competent Wizard casts it - all she needs is to have you frozen for however long it takes the Meteor come down, and she has access to at least 3 spells that can freeze.
This may or may not be true. As far as we know, chipping could be very effective in a battle of attrition. But there may be a need for something more damaging, such as magic missile.
It is true that slowtime and frostnova makes for a great meteor setup, but as far as we know, all classes have several escape mechanisms. I wouldnt bet my money on meteor just yet, but who knows.|||Well the only possible escape that looks like it will get you out of a slow time bubble is Teleport, maybe Witch doc invisibility & barb sprint (Barb leap moves are a fail based on the PvP build).|||Oh yeah leaps were slowed down by frost and slow yeah? In that case the barb may be screwed, but who knows.
DH vault is a great contender for escaping things like that.|||Escape skills work great until the character you are fighting has more disables than you have escape mechanisms. A high crit-rate Frost Ray, unless special exceptions are made, is going to end up freezing people all day long.|||Quote:
Escape skills work great until the character you are fighting has more disables than you have escape mechanisms. A high crit-rate Frost Ray, unless special exceptions are made, is going to end up freezing people all day long.
i doubt blizzard will let freezing/stuns go that way, looks like there will be some fixed time before players can be freezed/stuned again|||Quote:
Escape skills work great until the character you are fighting has more disables than you have escape mechanisms. A high crit-rate Frost Ray, unless special exceptions are made, is going to end up freezing people all day long.
How do you know this?|||Frost damage crits freeze enemies. This has been confirmed. Unless exceptions are made to prevent Frost Ray critical hits from freezing enemies (diminishing returns, etc.), Frost Ray on high crit rate is going to be a disable machine.
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