when did we see blizzard?
It was only shown at the previous Blizzcon. Basically when the spell is cast, a huge cloud looms above and starts raining thick ice shards.|||dissapointing lol. i was hoping for actually a blast of icy wind that was really powerful and sent enemies flying .|||you people are far too demanding|||If you don't like the wizard's lore, simply revise them to your liking. A character's backstory ultimately has zero impact on the way it will be played. The wizard will still be the same mechanically regardless of whether he is an arrogant pompass or a serene person.
Not to sure what to make of the fact that they are now no longer using mana, but I will need to know more about their new system before I can comment further.|||He do not like how wizard act, plus you cannot just pretend that something do not exist because you do not like it.
I understand OP and agree with him, i am for old ,powerful wise mage too, not a arrogant, rebel Asian teen...|||Quote:
He do not like how wizard act, plus you cannot just pretend that something do not exist because you do not like it.
I understand OP and agree with him, i am for old ,powerful wise mage too, not a arrogant, rebel Asian teen...
I wholeheartedly agree, the Wizard's attitude it very annoying. She is just some stupid kid born with powers she refuses to manipulate to their fullest extent out of ignorance. I don't want to play a character like that. I could see her being b*tchy to Cain and calling him "Old Man" disrespectfully.|||Quote:
kid born with powers she refuses to manipulate to their fullest extent out of ignorance.
What the hell are you talking about?

I don't want to play a character like that. I could see her being b*tchy to Cain and calling him "Old Man" disrespectfully.
Why so serious it's a game, it's not like Cain is your old man, to get it that personal i think.

He do not like how wizard act, plus you cannot just pretend that something do not exist because you do not like it.
When it is something as insignificant as backstory which will have zero impact on the mechanics of a wizard anyways, why not? I am not pretending it doesn't exist, I am simply accepting that it is impossible for blizzard to come up with a backstory which pleases everyone, and that I am entirely free to reflavour my characters however I want to suit my own personal tastes, regardless of how they were initially portrayed.
Much easier and more productive than whining endlessly about it, IMO.
Did it countless times when I was playing dnd. Many abilities often came with prepackaged flavour that tend to be incompatible with the flavour of my character. So I simply revised their lore to fit into my PC's backstory. And not once has my campaign suffered because of it.|||Wow now people are complaining that the wizard is too young and the monk is too old... nothing will ever satisfy anyone. But once the game's out everyone will just shut up

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