i dont like the fact that she and the WD are not the outstanding as the barb and monk (by this i mean, they arnt as visible, which is strange seeing as they are the spell casters). i really dont like the fact that some magics arnt good enough for her. and i really dont like that she doesnt use mana. and the WD does.
i want to like her, but with each new piece of info im finding a fault for her. and its really annoying lol.
if you have any thoughts or problems with her feel free to state them here.|||I actually love her rebelic Lore. It sounds like we'll have very interesting conversations with Cain.
WD I agree, but the Wiz IS as outstanding as the Barb and Monk. Maybe not in the Demos, because she's restricted to low level Tiers only, but have you seen the gameplay trailers?
But yes, not using Mana is wierd. However, I will wait for further information before I dismiss this crappy, horrible, stupid idea.|||Quote:
i dont like the fact that she and the WD are not the outstanding as the barb and monk (by this i mean, they arnt as visible, which is strange seeing as they are the spell casters).
Are you sure the Wizard is not outstanding? I can't say for the WD since his skills are not complete, but all we have seen are his basic skills.
Are you only deducing this from the monk's gameplay video? The Wizard has impressive AoE spells but they weren't showcased yet (Meteor Swarm, Blizzard, Hydra).
i really dont like the fact that some magics arnt good enough for her. and i really dont like that she doesnt use mana. and the WD does.
Where did you get the info that the wizard won't be using mana?|||from the Q&A on the homepage.|||Quote:
from the Q&A on the homepage.

idk, but the wiz uses mana.|||Right now the monk and the wizard and the witch doctor all use mana. The witch doctor is actually going with mana, that's official. The monk and the wizard are going to have different systems, and we haven't finished them, I can't talk about them yet. They are definitely both going to be different, but the witch doctor is actually going to be on mana, we like that convention.
that just means now they still have mana the barb had mana not long ago , but they are going.|||It isn't necessarily changing for sure, just that they're messing with systems.
I'm sure the wiz would have some edyrem magic or something anyway, so a type of mana.|||To cast Arcane spells, maybe something more powerful is required .... and since the WIz was born after the world stone shattered, she grew up unrestrained by the Worldstone's debilatating effetcs ... no wonder she is powerful, arrogant, and destructive.
Secondly, if Blizzard chooses to have her not use mana, it is likely they will implement a system that enhances gameplay .. definately not something that is detrimental.
And have you seen most of her skills?
I'll tell you ... Mirror image with multistrike/hydra rune is awesome
Blizzard/icestorm is awesome
Meteor is spellbinding (no pun intended)
disintegrate, electrocute, ray of frost, ice nova, etc. are all visually orgasmic .. duno man, maybe u expect too high...|||I'm not too thrilled that they changed her Stone Skin spell. I understand their reasoning, that her model was just too small to really show it, but I still like it better than the new crystal armor she has.
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