CB excells at weakening monsters that are at full HP, and then you can easily finish them off with a spell. OW is actually pretty darn good - it stacks, and when you stack it several times, trust me, the bleeding takes away a good chunk of a monster's HP. You'd be surprised at how effective OW actually is, when you manage to stack it quickly with Zeal.
I had this one case where I faced a dual immune and had to rely on physical damage. I had a sword with a low amount of CB and OW as well, didn't have Zeal. Even though the CB and OW % was low, I was surprised at how efective it was. I'm talking something like 15% to both CB and OW, and on Hell difficulty as well. The boss was dealt with somewhat slow, however, this was not the fault of my char, but rather my own fault - I focused on getting to hell ASAP, and I actually didn't farm any gear for my sorc at all!
So consider this: my gear was crap, all I had was a 15% or so CB and OW weapon, and was facing a hell difficulty boss with dual immunity, which I managed to kill with pretty much very crappy gear, and a pretty darn crappy weapon as well. Like I said, it did go kinda slow, but this was my fault for not farming up good gear to challenge Hell difficulty.
If I had farmed for better gear, I have no doubt that the boss would have went down fast and effective.
3 - Yes I know. Life Tap and life leech are 2 different things. I only mentioned mana leech as an added bonus, but don't take it too seriously. Mana leech through physical damage is not what my sorc was about. It was quite nice though as it made nice synergy with my concept, but apart from that, I agree, the leech is not very effective.
4 - That's what I was trying to say. I got to hell, had success with killing dual immune bosses, and after that I wasn't really motivated. I didn't get past act 1, sadly, as I lost the motivation.
However, as I said above, my gear was pretty crap. And I still managed. I imagine that with a phase passion blade, larger amounts of CB and OW, and other gear to enhance physical damage, my sorc could do a very good job.
It wasn't that my sorc couldn't handle hell, but rather, as I already mentioned multiple times, I lost the motivation and stopped playing. And now, all this talk is gettng me motivated again lol.
All in all, however, my sorceress concept was working.|||Quote:
2 - You're very right about everything. I wanted a sorc who could challenge the uber 3, as well as their magic immune minions, and I needed physical damage to accomplish this.
CB excells at weakening monsters that are at full HP, and then you can easily finish them off with a spell. OW is actually pretty darn good - it stacks, and when you stack it several times, trust me, the bleeding takes away a good chunk of a monster's HP. You'd be surprised at how effective OW actually is, when you manage to stack it quickly with Zeal.
I had this one case where I faced a dual immune and had to rely on physical damage. I had a sword with a low amount of CB and OW as well, didn't have Zeal. Even though the CB and OW % was low, I was surprised at how efective it was. I'm talking something like 15% to both CB and OW, and on Hell difficulty as well. The boss was dealt with somewhat slow, however, this was not the fault of my char, but rather my own fault - I focused on getting to hell ASAP, and I actually didn't farm any gear for my sorc at all!
So consider this: my gear was crap, all I had was a 15% or so CB and OW weapon, and was facing a hell difficulty boss with dual immunity, which I managed to kill with pretty much very crappy gear, and a pretty darn crappy weapon as well. Like I said, it did go kinda slow, but this was my fault for not farming up good gear to challenge Hell difficulty.
If I had farmed for better gear, I have no doubt that the boss would have went down fast and effective.
3 - Yes I know. Life Tap and life leech are 2 different things. I only mentioned mana leech as an added bonus, but don't take it too seriously. Mana leech through physical damage is not what my sorc was about. It was quite nice though as it made nice synergy with my concept, but apart from that, I agree, the leech is not very effective.
4 - That's what I was trying to say. I got to hell, had success with killing dual immune bosses, and after that I wasn't really motivated. I didn't get past act 1, sadly, as I lost the motivation.
However, as I said above, my gear was pretty crap. And I still managed. I imagine that with a phase passion blade, larger amounts of CB and OW, and other gear to enhance physical damage, my sorc could do a very good job.
It wasn't that my sorc couldn't handle hell, but rather, as I already mentioned multiple times, I lost the motivation and stopped playing. And now, all this talk is gettng me motivated again lol.
All in all, however, my sorceress concept was working.
LOL. Cool man! Didnt even know OW stacked!!! I thought it was the same damage over 8 seconds, no matter how much OW hit check you got! You sure of this?|||Quote:
LOL. Cool man! Didnt even know OW stacked!!! I thought it was the same damage over 8 seconds, no matter how much OW hit check you got! You sure of this?
Yep, I'm sure of this. With zeal, you can stack it like crazy, and when the bleeding adds up, it can actually cause some rather massive damage.
You can do around 2,000 points of bleeding damage at level 88 or so. So if we take that into account, and 50% OW, and let's say 4 attacks per second, that's 32 attacks in 8 seconds, 16 of which will trigger OW, meaning 32,000 physical damage in 8 seconds or so. Bosses and champions halve this damage, but around 16,000 damage in 8 seconds to bosses and champions is damn good.
Got the info and numbers from arreat summit. It stacks, and can deal impressive dmaage. Now add CB + zeal to this...|||Quote:
Yep, I'm sure of this. With zeal, you can stack it like crazy, and when the bleeding adds up, it can actually cause some rather massive damage.
You can do around 2,000 points of bleeding damage at level 88 or so. So if we take that into account, and 50% OW, and let's say 4 attacks per second, that's 32 attacks in 8 seconds, 16 of which will trigger OW, meaning 32,000 physical damage in 8 seconds or so. Bosses and champions halve this damage, but around 16,000 damage in 8 seconds to bosses and champions is damn good.
Got the info and numbers from arreat summit. It stacks, and can deal impressive dmaage. Now add CB + zeal to this...
Are you extremely sure? A Stone Skin Lister with me having around 40% OW did not die in 40 seconds. It took me forever when you take into account he was a single monster, like 5 to 10 minutes. He has around 55K life. Around 16K by 4, which takes 8 seconds by 4 for the necessary amount of OW checks = 32 secs = 40secs to be sure. Still rough estimates, but I doubt it stacks and creates that much damage in less than a minute.
Open wounds stack in all cases, there is only one chance to trigger a open wounds per hit. There is no cap on how high the chance to trigger a open wounds can get, but anything over 100% is a waste. --> It should read Open WOunds % from items stacks.
there is only one chance to trigger a open wounds per hit --> means if you have Draculs and Gores, their OW will stack together for one total percentage, not two separate Open Wounds with that percentage. Thats what it means by stacking|||Quote:
Are you extremely sure? A Stone Skin Lister with me having around 40% OW did not die in 40 seconds. It took me forever when you take into account he was a single monster, like 5 to 10 minutes. He has around 55K life. Around 16K by 4 = 8 secodns by 4 = 32 secs = 40secs to be sure. Still rough estimates, but I doubt it stacks and creates that much damage
Stone skin means physical resistance. Monsters with stone skin are extremely resistant to physical damage, and thus I believe they reduce ALL physical damage, even bleeding damage.
It's like elemental resists - it doesn't matter if a spell deal damage over time, reistsances will still lower it. Stone skin acts in a similar way. It reduces all physical damage, including bleed effects. (I may be wrong here on stone skin, but I don't think I am).
Another possible explanation may be low char lv, because bleed damage actually depends on your char level. Lister is also a boss, meaning he bleeds for only 1/2 the damage.
There are a lot of factors that could contribute to you dealing very low bleed damage with OW - char lv, stone skin attribute, the fact that lister is a boss and takes only half bleed damage.|||Quote:
Stone skin means physical resistance. Monsters with stone skin are extremely resistant to physical damage, and thus I believe they reduce ALL physical damage, even bleeding damage.
It's like elemental resists - it doesn't matter if a spell deal damage over time, reistsances will still lower it. Stone skin acts in a similar way. It reduces all physical damage, including bleed effects.
Another possible explanation may be low char lv, because bleed damage actually depends on your char level. Lister is also a boss, meaning he bleeds for only 1/2 the damage.
There are a lot of factors that could contribute to you dealing very low bleed damage with OW - char lv, stone skin attribute, the fact that lister is a boss and takes only half bleed damage.
I meant to say Stone Skin which ultimately made him Physical Immune, Open Wounds is like a 7th element in that it is not physical damage either. Thats why it works on PI's. There is nothing resisting it. I also dont think bosses take half its damage, but you could be right.
I took into account him taking half damage (how did you come up with this also?) when I came up with that calculation, and my clvl was 91 zealot

Check out my edit on my last post.
Taking into account I am dealing 2400 unresisted damage over 8 seconds, that is approximately (55k / 2400) 23 x 8 = 184 seconds = 3 minutes. Seemed like more than 3 minutes, but its been a long time. Could be true. If it really does half listed damage, then 6 minutes! Makes more sense
I doubt OW stacks in that sense that its damage stacks, and also I dont think its does 50% damage vs Bosses/Uniques.
Life loss per frame:
Clvl=1-15: ((9 * Clvl+31) / 256)) * Modifier
Clvl=16-30: ((18 * Clvl-104) / 256) * Modifier
Clvl=31-45: ((27 * Clvl-374) / 256) * Modifier
Clvl=46-60: ((36 * Clvl-779) / 256) * Modifier
Clvl=61-99: ((45 * Clvl-1319) / 256) * Modifier
where Modifier differs for attack type and target:
0.25 for attacker using a Melee Attack on a Player.
0.125 for attacker using Ranged Attack on a Player.
0.5 for attacker using Ranged or Melee on a Boss Monster or minion.
1 for attacker using Ranged or Melee on any other target.
Correct on bosses taking 0.5 damage! Then it took 6 minutes, which makes sense. He was PI and I had very small negligible poison and cold damage from charms / Ravenfrost! Exclusive OW damage!|||I see. The info about bosses taking only 1/2 half damage from bleeding is on arreat summit.
Also, as far as the stacking goes, I just remembered that OW does not stack in the latest version, but rather that it used to stack in previous versions or something like that. So yeah, guess you can't stack the damage anymore. Sorry about that one, I totally messed up o_O
So yeah you're right about stacking. Where the hell was my mind when I was reading that info, oh God.|||Quote:
I see. The info about bosses taking only 1/2 half damage from bleeding is on arreat summit.
Also, as far as the stacking goes, I just remembered that OW does not stack in the latest version, but rather that it used to stack in previous versions or something like that. So yeah, guess you can't stack the damage anymore. Sorry about that one, I totally messed up o_O
So yeah you're right about stacking. Where the hell was my mind when I was reading that info, oh God.
Its cool, it can be misinterpreted because its not worded correctly. Even I thought it was so and you were right, until I remembered how long it took to kill a PI Lister, who happens to be the biggest HP toting 'normal' monster, so to speak

Sorry for any confusion caused.

I need to correct my initial post. It wasn't no immunes, but more that immunities will be less crippling.
Sorry for any confusion caused.

Nice link, thanks.
One of the barbarian's skills 'ignores' damage immunities, and instead enemies take half damage. Not sure if its just physical damage or even elemental damage added to his melee attacks from weapon mods, which means ... can he tackle all immunes or just PI's? However this skill depletes all your Fury at once, so I dont think its very effective against a huge mob of immunes, unless of course more skill points and runes change its cost / duration / etc. We wait and see

''We’re looking at most players having an average of six “active"skills, these are your magic missiles, frost nova, electrocute (to use a few wizard examples), and because you’re not just pumping up one single skill - and thus one single damage type, immunities become far less relevant''
I see, but the Barbarian seems 100% physical damage, or maybe some magic/arcane damage from Hammer of the Ancients (or is it physical too?), so apart from the skill I mentioned (Wrath of the berserker), it will be up to weapon mods to overcome PI's or maybe skill runes adding substantial passive elemental damage to melee attacks?
Wrath of the Berserker
Rank: 1/5
Description: Enter a heighten state of fury, raising several stats for 12 seconds. Monsters with damage immunities will take 50% less damage from the Barbarian’s attacks rather than being immune.
Critical Hit: +100%
Attack Speed: +50%
Dodge Chance: +10%
Movement Speed: +20%
Cost: 3 Fury Orbs
This sounds like quite an uber skill, and wince at that fury cost. Three bulbs means you’d have to be totally full to use it, and would go down to nothing after casting this one. The main benefit looks like the debuff it puts on immune enemies, and note that it’s not a party skill since it only breaks immunities for the Barbarian rather than for everyone in the party.
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