What? Can u please explain this part, infi merc works better for light sorc then other sorc? Infi doesnt realy do anything for fire/cold sorc?
Just for info, in d2 -x% resist mod only works for that person who uses item.So - light res from infi DOESNT WORK for light sorc, its only works for your merc.
I never used Infinity, however I have seen some videos, and I believe you're wrong. Infi on your mercenary did help your sorceress as well, the sorceress didn't have to be the one carrying the Infi.|||Quote:
What? Can u please explain this part, infi merc works better for light sorc then other sorc? Infi doesnt realy do anything for fire/cold sorc?
Just for info, in d2 -x% resist mod only works for that person who uses item.So - light res from infi DOESNT WORK for light sorc, its only works for your merc.
Infinity gives a level something Conviction aura (17 I think), which removes a lot of lightning immunes (90% +) in Hell, but very little Fire or Cold immunes. This makes Light Sorcs, coupled with their high average and max damage, very effective at MF runs and rushing and key runs, much more than Fire or Cold sorcs.
Im not talking about the -% light res on the weapon which counts as passive pierce and doesnt help in breaking immunes (but does work after its broken, but still useless for sorcs since she isnt carrying the Infy polearm herself). Also like you said, only works for the bearer of said mod.|||Quote:
How do you think it makes me feel as a sorceress to RELY on my mercenary to kill stuff.
Exactly, there is always at least one of the Ancients who spawns immune to your particular element, or if you are a hybrid, a huge chance one spawns immune to both elements. Essentially, if you are soloing the game just for fun, you are screwed unless you can stand back and watch the merc do the killing!
But then again *yawn* I am a sorceress of the Zann Esu, I command the terrible bone chilling winds of the North and fires that will challenge the deepest parts of Hell, and can fry your flesh with a single zap of magically supercharged electricity .... TO NO AVAIL?!
And mercenaries get stuck and are buggy with their auras, and they move and attack relatively slow, and only live for long enough when they have expensive gear.|||Quote:
Exactly, there is always at least one of the Ancients who spawns immune to your particular element, or if you are a hybrid, a huge chance one spawns immune to both elements. Essentially, if you are soloing the game just for fun, you are screwed unless you can stand back and watch the merc do the killing!
But then again *yawn* I am a sorceress of the Zann Esu, I command the terrible bone chilling winds of the North and fires that will challenge the deepest parts of Hell, and can fry your flesh with a single zap of magically supercharged electricity .... TO NO AVAIL?!
Lol. I agree.
In order to solve this problem, I eventually tried making a melee sorceress that would be dealing physical damage with passion (Zeal)+CB, OW, and other mods to increase physical damage. I never got around to doing it, sadly, due to lack of motivation. I had played DII from the very beginning, for years, and well, you know at some point you just don't feel like playing it anymore

Although I do believe this kind of sorceress would have been sucessful in DII, and capale of dispatching all adversaries.|||Quote:
Lol. I agree.
In order to solve this problem, I eventually tried making a melee sorceress that would be dealing physical damage with passion (Zeal)+CB, OW, and other mods to increase physical damage. I never got around to doing it, sadly, due to lack of motivation. I had played DII from the very beginning, for years, and well, you know at some point you just don't feel like playing it anymore

Although I do believe this kind of sorceress would have been sucessful in DII, and capale of dispatching all adversaries.
To say the truth, they are indeed very viable, and have no particular problems trashing anything in their way. But half of it is totally runeword dependant ... 2 x Dream, Dragon, Passion. Rest is Enchant, Lightning Mastery for Holy Shock melee synergy, and any backup cold / fire skills. So that is cool, at least her skills are still very useful
However, I never really liked them myself, at all
(1) Its a sorceress using zeal, WTF? Doesnt even reach 4 fpa speed, only a relatively slow 7 fpa. (3 attacks vs 6 attacks per second) The animation of Zeal on a sorceress looks out of place if you ever seen her do it in Melee Sorc UT runs. Paladins put a lot more motion and combat feel into it.
And when Im playing a melee sorc, I tend to forgo my caster spells completely and focus on the melee part, so its partly that too
(2) I dont like the elemental auras or Auradins at all, I just never did I dont know why, kind of a selfish and stupid reason but still ... a reason. After all this is my personal take on why I dont like it.
(3) Doesnt attack or leech fast enough, doesnt seem as powerful as other melee classes, and ultimately doesnt feel like a melee class at all, even though it is technically one. Thank God I tried it out on Hero Editor before making one on BNet, as I didnt like her at all.
(4) A sorc is a sorc. I am semi conservative, I can allow flexibility in builds, but I dont want a melee sorc same like I dont want a caster Barb. Hammerdins were OK IMO, dont know how they pulled that one off, but pallys seem like a perfect caster / melee balance. Still think they were uber-insanely-mega-astronomically OP and a repeat of Enigma Hammerdins in D3 or anything similar would be epic fail, however.|||Quote:
Infinity gives a level something Conviction aura (17 I think), which removes a lot of lightning immunes (90% +) in Hell, but very little Fire or Cold immunes. This makes Light Sorcs, coupled with their high average and max damage, very effective at MF runs and rushing and key runs, much more than Fire or Cold sorcs.
Im not talking about the -% light res on the weapon which counts as passive pierce and doesnt help in breaking immunes (but does work after its broken, but still useless for sorcs since she isnt carrying the Infy polearm herself). Also like you said, only works for the bearer of said mod.
Conviction aura ( lvl12) on infinity removes 85% resist to light, fire and cold. So, not immune monsters simply get there resits lowered by 85%. In case if monster is immune to light/fire or cold, conviction can break immunity but it only works 1/5 of X% when breaking immunity, so if monster has for example 120% cold resi -> 120 - 85/5 = 103 -> still immune. The only other way to break immunity is low resists curse, which works same way with 1/5 modifier.
So what in general, when monsters get high stack resists (xxx immune+xxx enchanted) infi doesnt work. I think it will be implemented same way in d3, but perhaps u will just dont have infi there

To say the truth, they are indeed very viable, and have no particular problems trashing anything in their way. But half of it is totally runeword dependant ... 2 x Dream, Dragon, Passion. Rest is Enchant, Lightning Mastery for Holy Shock melee synergy, and any backup cold / fire skills. So that is cool, at least her skills are still very useful
However, I never really liked them myself, at all
(1) Its a sorceress using zeal, WTF? Doesnt even reach 4 fpa speed, only a relatively slow 7 fpa. (3 attacks vs 6 attacks per second) The animation of Zeal on a sorceress looks out of place if you ever seen her do it in Melee Sorc UT runs. Paladins put a lot more motion and combat feel into it.
And when Im playing a melee sorc, I tend to forgo my caster spells completely and focus on the melee part, so its partly that too
(2) I dont like the elemental auras or Auradins at all, I just never did I dont know why, kind of a selfish and stupid reason but still ... a reason. After all this is my personal take on why I dont like it.
(3) Doesnt attack or leech fast enough, doesnt seem as powerful as other melee classes, and ultimately doesnt feel like a melee class at all, even though it is technically one. Thank God I tried it out on Hero Editor before making one on BNet, as I didnt like her at all.
(4) A sorc is a sorc. I am semi conservative, I can allow flexibility in builds, but I dont want a melee sorc same like I dont want a caster Barb. Hammerdins were OK IMO, dont know how they pulled that one off, but pallys seem like a perfect caster / melee balance. Still think they were uber-insanely-mega-astronomically OP and a repeat of Enigma Hammerdins in D3 or anything similar would be epic fail, however.
I know they are effective. However, you misunderstood one thing in my mentioned sorceress concept - my sorcress does not focus on dealing any kind of elemental damage with ther weapon - only physical damage.
If you want elemental damage, you have spells to do that for you, and they do it from a distance too. The reason why I went for physical damage is because dual immunes were a problem, and when facing the uber three, they also had minions completely immune to magic, so all 3 of your skill trees were useless. Thus, in the end, when you do the math, you are left with 2 elements + physical damage if you wanna be able to kill everything by yourself.
CB, OW, DS, Passion with zeal all served this purpose.|||Quote:
I know they are effective. However, you misunderstood one thing in my mentioned sorceress concept - my sorcress does not focus on dealing any kind of elemental damage with ther weapon - only physical damage.
If you want elemental damage, you have spells to do that for you, and they do it from a distance too. The reason why I went for physical damage is because dual immunes were a problem, and when facing the uber three, they also had minions completely immune to magic, so all 3 of your skill trees were useless. Thus, in the end, when you do the math, you are left with 2 elements + physical damage if you wanna be able to kill everything by yourself.
CB, OW, Passion with zeal all served this purpose.
I understand what you mean now. I'm sure she can get by with just physical Zeal + Static and any other 1 or 2 elemental spell attacks, BUT ...
How can a sorc deal high melee damage with no Dream or Dragon/Enchant? Most melee sorcs need the necessary advantage of Holy Shock and Enchant when zealing, thats where the biggest part of that 72K damage comes from. The physical part is negligible / almost useless. Holy Shock helps a lot against Baal and Diablo, while Enchant and Dragon add huge dmg vs Uber Meph. The only real physical killer in melee sorcs is the CB, but how much can she have? Did You go Gulli+Gores for 50%?? And OW is not really a big damager, its just for anti-regen.|||Quote:
I understand what you mean now. I'm sure she can get by with just physical Zeal + Static and any other 1 or 2 elemental spell attacks, BUT ...
How can a sorc deal high melee damage with no Dream or Dragon/Enchant? Most melee sorcs need the necessary advantage of Holy Shock and Enchant when zealing, thats where the biggest part of that 72K damage comes from. The physical part is negligible / almost useless. Holy Shock helps a lot against Baal and Diablo, while Enchant and Dragon add huge dmg vs Uber Meph. The only real physical killer in melee sorcs is the CB, but how much can she have? Did You go Gulli+Gores for 50%?? And OW is not really a big damager, its just for anti-regen.
A good question, and it deserves a good answer. You see, my goal was a sorceress that can challenge any monster and kill it. Magic immunes, dual immunes, physical immunes, whatever.
I know that elemental damage is insanely high with an enchant sorc, but when a monster immune to these elements comes up, it becomes downright useless. What's 72k damage when the monster is immune to it? Might as well be 0, right?
And I agree with you - it's not as fast as a paladin, and it doesn't deal as much damage. However, you can still get by with it, and high physical damage can aid you with mana leech and such, so you keep casting spells as you hack away.
The point of my sorcs was to use a combination of spells and physical damage to kill enemies (and it was very effective too), and use either elemental or physical damage against immunes. It fared decently, although I didn't get to test it all the way.|||Quote:
A good question, and it deserves a good answer. You see, my goal was a sorceress that can challenge any monster and kill it. Magic immunes, dual immunes, physical immunes, whatever.
I know that elemental damage is insanely high with an enchant sorc, but when a monster immune to these elements comes up, it becomes downright useless. What's 72k damage when the monster is immune to it? Might as well be 0, right?
And I agree with you - it's not as fast as a paladin, and it doesn't deal as much damage. However, you can still get by with it, and high physical damage can aid you with mana leech and such, so you keep casting spells as you hack away.
The point of my sorcs was to use a combination of spells and physical damage to kill enemies (and it was very effective too), and use either elemental or physical damage against immunes. It fared decently, although I didn't get to test it all the way.
(1) That I understand, no doubt about it. Why not?

(2) All true, but at the same time its the same gamble as with dual immunes ... you dont get dual immunes, specifically ones immune to both your elements, that very often. In this case we have insane light dmg + pretty high fire dmg to play with.
(3) I understand high physical damage with mana leech is a huge plus, but that is mainly my only gripe, everything else we are on the same page. Very low physical damage with Zeal on a sorc, so basically mana leech and life leech is gonna be a very low return too .... (Life Tap is another story, I assume you do know its confused with life leech and theyre not exactly the same.)
(4) Thats cool you actually got along very well with this build with no Dream and Dragon setup, how far along did you get though? Hell difficulty? Which acts?
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