The new resource system for the wizard is instability?
Well, I have no clue what it is (how it functions)... But it sounds kinda fun!|||Reminding from some thread here, it may by something along with: More you cast more vulnerable you are, in one way of another.
Similar to Warhammer Online system.|||"more vunerable and more blasty"
probably something like this: the more consecutive casts you do, the more damage you deal, with a peak that you can probably increase with a passive.
also after a certain percentage has gone up you probably start dealing damage to yourself, or a sort of debuff.|||Right, I didn't see this thread before I made Instability.
I have just written down my own theories though. Feel free to fill it up or clarify my ideas, and that reference to WAR is also cool!
BTW, this is my first post on

I don't know if any of you guys ever played Freedom Force? A character in there named Man-Bot although slow is supposed to be quite unstable when it comes to energy stuff. He is really powerful, yet his power is hard to control. So, something like that might be what we get for the Wizzy.|||Quote:
Reminding from some thread here, it may by something along with: More you cast more vulnerable you are, in one way of another.
Similar to Warhammer Online system.
Yesh indeed, it directly got me to think about the Dark Elf Sorceresses of Warhammer online.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, the more these characters cast their spells, they build up something called "Dark Magic" (which could be somewhat close to instability). As this builds up, their crit chance gradually increases, but as does the probability for their spells to backfire, causing the same damage to themselves. At max I believe it's something like 50% chance of crit/50% chance of backfire.
WAR uses a 2-resource system for all their characters. Everyone has action points which charge up over time, and one other resource to their disposal depending on their class. This is what they use to cast their spells, that in turn build up Dark magic. They can then release their Dark Magic through a number of devastating abilities. This however would kind of make it an infinite resource if you take the action points out of the equation.
I don't think Blizzard would go for something like that (Just my personal guess), but the word instability got me thinking about it right away, and the Dark magic-concept sounds like it could be altered into something instability-like.|||I like trash's idea. Not only would it make you want to use your spells more wisely, but would also add more of an epic feel to it...
You're wandering around, doing your questing or farming or what have you, when you run into a unique monster. You dispose of the minions effortlessly, but can't seem to get in enough damage in short bursts to keep your health high while still being able to overcome his regen. Finally, you give in and say "**** it." The creature charges. You hold your ground and start casting disintegrate on him. After a few seconds, your health starts draining, lightning arcing from your body, sparks flying from your outstretched hands. Suddenly, it becomes a damage race, and it starts getting hard to tell who's killing you faster: the monster or yourself. Finally, the monster bursts into a cloud of still-warm ash. You take a deep breath and say "GOD that was intense!" followed by the triumphant chugging of a health pot.|||Hmmm, it kinda makes her feel like a glass cannon, even with the armor skills. I kinda like it.|||Quote:
Hmmm, it kinda makes her feel like a glass cannon, even with the armor skills. I kinda like it.
That's what Jay wanted, to make her more blasty and a bigger class cannon. Atleast thats what he said in one of his interviews.|||Quote:
Right, I didn't see this thread before I made Instability.
I have just written down my own theories though. Feel free to fill it up or clarify my ideas, and that reference to WAR is also cool!
BTW, this is my first post on

Very cool initiative. Nice to see others have helped out as well...
Welcome to btw

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