Thanks go to Judgehype, yet again!

Level requirement: 10 or lower
Arcane Channeling (5 points max.) : Increases the regeneration of your Arcane Power.
Toughness (5 points max.) : Increases your vitality.
Unbreakable Will (5 points max.) : Increases your willpower.
Prismatic Cloak (3 points max.) : Increases the effect of Ice Armor and Storm Armor.
Glass Canon (5 points max.) : Increases damage done by spells and reduces armor.
Lucky (3 points max.) : Monsters drop higher amounts of gold.
Level requirement: 11
Energy Reserves (3 points max.) : Health globes restore 10% of your Arcane Power.
Intimidation (3 points max.) : Increases damage done and reduces vendor costs.
Level requirement: 15
Staff Specialization (3 points max.) : Increases damage done by spells and weapons when the Wizard is wielding a staff.
Wand Specialization (3 points max.) : Increases damage done by spells and weapons when the Wizard is wielding a wand.
Weapon Master (3 points max.) : Increases damage done by spells and weapons when the Wizard is wielding a sword, an axe or a mace.
Level requirement: 19
Blur (3 points max.) : Reduces damage (Note: taken, I'm guessing??) while in melee.
Quickening (3 points max.) : Increases spell casting speed
Level requirement: 23
Beast Hunter (3 points max.) : Damage bonus against Beasts.
Demonbane (3 points max.) : Damage bonus against Demons
Just... Stay... Dead! (3 points max.) : Damage bonus against Undead.
Level requirement: 27
Cruelty (5 points max.) : Increases your chance of dealing critical strikes.
Superior Skill (5 points max.) : Increases your dexterity.
Level requirement: 31
Ball of Lightning (1 point max.) : Periodically strike an enemy closeby for 1 to 120 damage.
Soul Split (1 point max.) : When your health goes under 50%, an image of the Wizard appears to distract enemies for 3 seconds. This effect cannot happen more than once every 14 seconds.
Temporal Flux (1 point max.) : Enemies that have been hit by your Arcane spells are slowed down by 25% for 3 seconds.
Level requirement: 35
Drain Power (3 points max.) : You regenerate health and Arcane power equal to 10% of melee damage you deal.
Power Surge (3 points max.) : Increases critical strike damage by 10%.
Level requirement: 39
Conjured Armor (3 points max.) : Increases your armor by 25%. If Ice Armor or Storm Armor is active, your armor is instead increased by 50%.
Natural Leader (3 points max.) : UNKNOWN FOR THE MOMENT
Level requirement: 43
Expanded Mind (3 points max.) : Increases your Arcane Power by 12%.
Telekinesis (3 points max.) : Increases your chance to dodge projectiles by 10%.
Flight before Fight (3 points max.) : Increases your movement speed when you are blocked in melee (Note: I have no idea what this means). The movement speed increase can stack although there is a cap as to how much speed increase you can gain.
Level requirement: 47
Black Ice (3 points max.) : Frozen targets take 25% more damage from all sources.
Anti-Magic Shield (3 points max.) : Reduces magical damage taken by 15%.
Penetrating Spells (3 points max.) : Reduces the resistances of your target to your spells by 20%.
This time there are some pretty weird traits that are very unclear as to their effects... take these with a grain of salt!

I think the point of the trait system is to provide a wide array of options and allow the player to choose what type of "master" he/she wants to be. As it is now, there are 99(?) total trait points, and the player only gets to use 30.|||You're awesome Zed, thank you!|||Some nice melee buffs there. I'm also liking the buff to Arcane spells, 25% enemy speed reduction.
Pretty obvious Blizzard is still working on these though.|||Quote:
Drain Power (3 points max.) : You regenerate health and Arcane power equal to 10% of melee damage you deal.
Lolwut? No, seriously? 30% life/mana leach? Are you sure this is the right transcription?|||Quote:
Lolwut? No, seriously? 30% life/mana leach? Are you sure this is the right transcription?
I think so. Here is the french:
Drain Power (3 points max. - L35 requis) : 10% des d�g�ts en m�l�e que vous effectuez sont donn�s � la vie et � l'Arcane Power.
Literally it can be translated as: "10% of melee damage that you deal is given back as health and Arcane Power."
The key word is melee, so I'm guessing you'd have to do a normal melee attack (and not a spell) to get this leeching effect. The Wizard's melee damage will probably be very low. From what I hear, Arcane Power regenerates fast enough to just walk away from a mob a few seconds and cast a spell for way more damage than a melee attack.|||Quote:
Glass Canon (5 points max.) : Increases damage done by spells and reduces armor.
Are you serious?! They actually made a trait called "Glass Cannon"?! That's hilarious and awesome at the same time!
They all look nice. Thanks for getting them, even if there are some questions to their total legitness.
Edit: While I'm on the subject, how do traits work? Am I given like 1 trait point per level, and I can only put trait points in traits that I fall within the level range for? So for example, I can only put points in say Glass Cannon or Lucky when I'm under level 10?
Or am I just spouting nonsense?|||Quote:
The key word is melee, so I'm guessing you'd have to do a normal melee attack (and not a spell) to get this leeching effect. The Wizard's melee damage will probably be very low. From what I hear, Arcane Power regenerates fast enough to just walk away from a mob a few seconds and cast a spell for way more damage than a melee attack.
Wizards have Magic Weapon, that is guaranteed to boost their melee damage quite up. If the HP/Damage ratio of characters is even 1/10th (not an exaggeration) of the ridiculousness it was in Diablo 2, this might be the most broken trait in the game, especially with massive crowd control the Wizard has.|||Quote:
Are you serious?! They actually made a trait called "Glass Cannon"?! That's hilarious and awesome at the same time!
They all look nice. Thanks for getting them, even if there are some questions to their total legitness.
Edit: While I'm on the subject, how do traits work? Am I given like 1 trait point per level, and I can only put trait points in traits that I fall within the level range for? So for example, I can only put points in say Glass Cannon or Lucky when I'm under level 10?
Or am I just spouting nonsense?
You get a traitpoint every 2 levels.
My own question though. They mention will power and Arcane power. To make my question short... HUH?
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