Anyway, teleporting in town would be nice since in act 5, Lod, I bought books of identify since walking/running all the way over to Cain was frustrating!

A rich kid took back a Mercedes his father bought that was blue and not red.|||Quote:
if you take in example act 3 town, or act 2 town from wp to tp, to drognan, to jerhyn, to meshif, it takes quite a lot with no f r/w
so i was woundering, if we still going to have town, why we wont be able to tele in town? sounds like more then just reasonable
Wouldn't people use it in item drop scams or just plain taking things? It would make the Wizard the ultimate at picking up free charitable stuff that all players should have an equal chance of grabing.|||Thanks a lot for regrouping all this information, melianor !!!|||I don't like the "Conjuring" spells. I feel like that makes the Wizard feel too much like the Witch Doctor/Necro.|||Quote:
Wouldn't people use it in item drop scams or just plain taking things? It would make the Wizard the ultimate at picking up free charitable stuff that all players should have an equal chance of grabing.
But why should game mechanics be based on stopping idiots from doing idiotic things? Getting scammed is good. It builds character.|||Very nice thread indeed.|||Time to overhaul this whole thread with current information. I will have a browse through the wiki and put up links on the top and other information that i can find.|||Did some changes and additions. This will grow further. If you have any of the wiki pages you want added, just post away!

Thanks for all your efforts by putting this together.|||Quote:
I'll keep this post in check, especially from the b�ta release onwards

Thanks for all your efforts by putting this together.
It will become really interesting, once we know more about the nitty gritty details

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