My biggets gripe with The Wizard is that there isn't any skill that's the equivalent of Firewall
Don't worry. One rune makes the Hydra spell summon not three but only one Hydra head, but it will cast Fire Walls instead of Fire Bolts, assuming it hasn't changed since last year's BlizzCon.|||Quote:
My biggets gripe with The Wizard is that there isn't any skill that's the equivalent of Firewall. This was THE damage spell, and once you got it in Normal (and to an extent, Nightmare too.) that was GG for the enemy. Not only was the damage frigging insane for anything standing in it, but while they were caught in it, roasting away, you were free to blast them with more stuff, like Glacial Spike/Lightning.
The closest combo I see now is to throw down Hydras and Ray of Frost them while they beat on you, and hope you out DPS them... I know Duriel/The council/Mephisto/Iswald/The Armorer/Diablo/Shenk/Nihaltak/The Ancients/Baal/Andariel(Nm)/Radamant(Nm)/Duriel(Nm) All could be out DPSed by a Firewall & Glacial Spike or Lightning combo.
I agree, this game is very good.

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