As you attack enemies the lightning jumps between them .. but as they thin the lightnings starts to lash out at nearby objects as it runs out of 'wet' targets.
I walk through an endless outdoor graveyard where the fog and pale moonlight bringing the very shadows alive. While others would tread with caution, I stride confidently .. for the endless fount of arcane power within washes away my fear ..
Almost gently raising my arm, lightning lashes out before me blinding those who stare into the flash. Blood and body parts from the unfortunate undead who cross my path splatter across the tall wet grass as the licks of my lightning cause nearby objects, such as tree limbs and gravestones to explode into fragments.
When the dust has settled and silence returned, I glance back the way I have come .. my soft footsteps have not left a sign of my passage, there is nothing but the wasteland of rubble and charred corpses to mark my journey.|||Wanted to post something quick before I crash .. tired enough the screen is blurry ..
Not alot of spoilers in the Beta .. a few hints but no grand plot reveals .. I really don't like spoilers myself, but I think you can safely watch clips and read about people playing the beta without regretting it

Wow what a beautiful game .. only stopped occasionally to admire the scenery (probably should have done more of that .. but wanted to experience it all) ..very interested in my 2nd play through and how different the areas/mobs are.
Playing through as a Wizard and exploring everything/not rushing, took around 4-5 hours to reach the end of the road (with several few pauses to post bugs) .. ended up level 9.
I pretty much burned through it all trying the different skills but when in trouble, being pretty tired .. ended up using Electrocute .. it also looks insane (I like blowing everything up .. statues/desks/monsters).
The next few days I plan on playing the other classes to get a feel for them and then most likely repeating the Wizard but going to avoid using Electrocute next time around and see what else works well .. looking up the skill tree's I anticipate that various combinations of skills and runes (once unlocked) will have nice synergy .. but at low levels there are only a handful of basic choices.
I also want to see how the mobs scale/adjust to my level.
Didn't really get a feel for what the gear was like .. except for a nice +10% wizard damage orb in my offhand .. I found a few other nice pieces but nothing that I remember fondly. Not understanding precision, etc makes it hard.
Only tried the game out on my desktop sofar (which is a beast) .. currently game bugged on my laptop (blank screen, just a mouse cursor).
One thing I didn't know about that I love are the new shrines. They give a 2 minute super buff (+25% magic find or +25% experience or -25% damage received .. etc.) .. getting the buff tends to make you reckless as you try to make the most of it .. I really like the length of time they last

The one thing I didn't like was the respec anytime .. which was weird as I had imagined that I would find other things more annoying .. perhaps the experience was to surreal

As a wizard I imagined that I was memorizing the spells from my spellbook .. but honestly the respec anytime feels to me at least that making choices with skills is pointless and that you are generic and not defined by your choices .. you can change them whenever you want. As runes and gear come into play I would anticipate that this would ease somewhat as you would stick with your favourites most of the time, but I think I still would prefer a time delay system .. something along the lines of once you change a skill you cannot change another for x minutes (perhaps your level in minutes). So at low levels you can experiment but as you get higher you can only change them once per hour (at level 60 for example). I think this would still let you be strategic with your skills but make the choice a bit more meaningful and strategic. You also would have to be careful what you swap in harder difficulties if you had to live with the choice for 30 minutes or an hour .. it still lets you vary your character but perhaps I would feel that my choices mattered.
Edit: posting screenshot as a separate post simply to avoid it distorting the layout of this post so much.|||

How does the resource system feel like? As in does it impose interesting restrictions on skill usage.|||Great summary, cannot wait to play the wizard!|||Would you mind giving us a little detail on how the controls work?
I am watching one of the beta videos and it looks like you have two spots for skills. Are those for right and left mouse click?
I am assuming with the 6 skill limit we will want to use all of the skills...can you assign hot keys for them and still have something for your regular attack?
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