A couple of things that I took from the character description:
"When confronted by the great Vizjerei mage Valthek and demanded to account for herself, she brazenly attacked him rather than face the punishment merited by her acts. Exaggerated stories of the battle are already being inflated to mythic proportions by the more rebellious of our city's youth, but suffice it to say that she did not actually best Yshari's most powerful mage in single, honorable combat. The details of the encounter remain unclear, as Valthek has yet to regain consciousness, but it has been verified by reliable sources that she relied on trickery and deceit to bring the great man low. I have also been assured that the extensive property damage was chiefly the result of Valthek's magical prowess, not the upstart wizard's."
1) She overpowered a high ranking mage of her clan, at 19 years old. This report is written based on information provided by members of that clan, and is likely meant to reflect a conclusion reached by assuming someone so young could never have that power. The fact remains, however, that she won and it is very possible she did her share of that damage. We are dealing with a prodigy.
"...even the esteemed Vizjerei instructors were unable to rein her in. She was continually being caught seeking out dangerous and forbidden magics, heedless of the consequences to herself or anyone around her."
2) This character is power hungry and confident, a dangerous combination. She is sure that regardless of what has happened before, she can pull it off and do so with minimal consequences.
When I put this together I see a person who was born with innate abilities far above the normal person. Imagine a high end sorceress from D2. Eventually, you regenerated your mana pool so rapidly that it was no longer a concern. What would happen if you were capable of that at level 1? Mana would still be a resource you use, but certainly not a limiting factor you need to monitor.
So let's sidestep to the barbarian, who relies on fury. Basically this character is fueled through a blood lust. He runs off of pure adrenaline and uses it to massacre his enemies. Why couldn't this be applied to magic? Returning to the fact that this is an exceptional wizard dabbling in forbidden and dangerous magics with little regard for personal safety, it is likely she is willing to push the envelope. Imagine that, as the character uses mana with reckless abandon, there are residual effects. This can be whatever you want, but I like to think of it as magics being infused into the character's being. Instead of adrenaline, this character runs on an arcane infusion.
And there you have it, the new limiting factor is determined by the side effects of that infusion. We now know that this system will increase damage output while lowering stability. A lot of people like the idea, and some people just can't see it. Maybe this will help or maybe not, but I don't see what all of the fuss is about.|||Quote:
And there you have it, the new limiting factor is determined by the side effects of that infusion. We now know that this system will increase damage output while lowering stability. A lot of people like the idea, and some people just can't see it. Maybe this will help or maybe not, but I don't see what all of the fuss is about.
It is not that some people can't see it, most people just plain are not going to like it. The game will be balanced so you have to be "blasty". Not very many people are going to enjoy constantly being on the verge of death and such a type of play sucks for hardcore.|||Quote:
It is not that some people can't see it, most people just plain are not going to like it. The game will be balanced so you have to be "blasty". Not very many people are going to enjoy constantly being on the verge of death and such a type of play sucks for hardcore.
It's not compulsory, it's an alternative path you can choose.
I can understand some initial confusion at Blizzard's announcement that the wizard is not going to be using mana, but the fact that people are claiming they don't like the character as a result is simply baffling. Going back and reading the character description on the official site, the decision makes sense.
Just like how people claim they won't play the WD, or the Monk because he is simply "too overpowered", or just love picking on every tini-wini single detail, and give "suggestions" they claim are better than what Blizzard did. Of course 99.99% of these "suggestions" are

My answer to your question: Majority of them simply cannot accept new changes. But who cares?
And there is a common point to note, these whiners have not tried the game. Did you not notice, that the people who actually tried the demo never mention anything negative about the game? And I wonder why

I agree with what you said later, in the lore Blizzard did mention the Wizard is a rebellion, and engages with dangerous magic, which makes sense with what Blizzard intends to do with her/him. Can't wait for the next Blizzcon

Seriously the way they talk about it it sounds like the wizard will only be a character for those leeroy jenkins players out there or the rambo wannabes if you rather call them that.|||Quote:
mayby the fact that some of us dont like to go all blasty all the time

Or maybe the fact that some fans don't read carefully enough, they clearly said it is a choice, A CHOICE.
Jay said:
“Do I want to make myself more vulnerable in exchange for being more blasty.” ...... or NOT
You get get more blasty in return for being more fragile .. or be more durable for being less blasty with your magic .. it is quite obvious.
Seriously the way they talk about it it sounds like the wizard will only be a character for those leeroy jenkins players out there or the rambo wannabes if you rather call them that.
You are just pulling that out of thin air .. right !!! .. man, fans these days

the chances are slim knowing how people play there. If you where to play there with a non blasty wizard that deals less damage you end up with the same old problem that always come up when there is one way to build your characters as the developers intended or not.
You will have a harder time playing in a group since people in general want their blasty dps machine and dont care about players that dont conform to that picture of a certain class.
This is mostly seen in mmos but since d3 and its playstyle gets closer and closer to an mmo it wont be uncommon in d3.|||Quote:
a choice between playing a wizard their intended way or your own way yes. That is the choice you get knight_wolf. do you really think you will find many wizards that are not blasty on bnet?
the chances are slim knowing how people play there. If you where to play there with a non blasty wizard that deals less damage you end up with the same old problem that always come up when there is one way to build your characters as the developers intended or not.
You will have a harder time playing in a group since people in general want their blasty dps machine and dont care about players that don't conform to that picture of a certain class.
And what do you suggest the wizard to be like then !!!!
A non blasty wizard will have to find an alternative way to deal damage (be it melee or something else), not to mention will have much better durability .. a reckless blasty wizard will die/get killed more often due to the nature of his/her dangerous magic that makes the character very vulnerable to damage or even self-damage (not many people can really deal with that vulnerability effectively .. specially that there are no TPs or potion spam to save slacking players .. so not many will really be able to use a blasty wizard effectively).
Still i do get your point about party play, but how is that different from any other game like D2, or any other ARPG, or MMOs, or whatever game that has customization and party gameplay .. it isn't unique to MMOs only.
Hasn't the standard always been about getting the highest possible DPS for any build or class, weren't people in partys always nagging new players (or old players who try new builds) on how much they are "noobs" for not getting skill "x" or maxing skill "y" ... etc etc etc.
This is mostly seen in mmos but since d3 and its playstyle gets closer and closer to an mmo it wont be uncommon in d3.
While that restrictive party mentality exists in MMOs it isn't -like i said above- in any way unique to MMOs, at least in MMOs not all classes are DPS, there are healers, tanks with provoking skills and lots of HP and defense skills, casters who focus on buffing their party and debuffing their enemies more than dealing damage pure damage.
All in all ... it has nothing to do with making a new overdrive system for the Wiz ... the problem is with the mentality with players who presume you are a "noob" for not molding your character according to their standards ... best solution ... avoid them let them play together with their standardized boring builds ... then go get some of your friends or -people you know who think like you- and roll a bunch of melee wizards for the fun of it ... simple (i plan to do that personally)

Playing with random people will always be a hit-or-miss thing in MMOso r any online game with party play .. playing with friends will always be the best possible experience (not necessarily real life friends .. just people you know outside D3)|||Yea, from what I've seen, people who have played it have all had good things to say.
As for shoe-horning one style on the Wizard, it is pretty obvious being "blasty" will be optional, like KW said. I also agree with him in that playing with friends just makes it so much more fun then "pugging". Eight-man Paladin games all with different auras was rather interesting haha.
While a melee-centered Wizard sounds like a viable build, I wonder how far out there Barb builds will be able to go?|||For a lot of the people that are hung up on the wizard not having mana (or any of the other things they been whining about) it's fear of change. They know all the ins and outs of mana. They have no idea what or how an overdrive / backlash system will work so they rail against the system in hopes that bliz will bring back mana so they can feel safe again.
To Lone_wolf, you don't know how vulnerable a blasty Wiz will be, It could be that it will take a lot of skill to play a really good blasty Wiz. Having to always balancing your resource so you don't die will not be ez I would think. We don't know what kind of skills they might add to help players that want to play a safe Wiz over a blasty one.
It's not an MMO there will be no right or wrong way to make a party. Saying that groups won’t take you cause you are not a blasty Wiz is a bit foolish.|||the best players to ask about the fragile character classes and how they manage to get them to work is the ones at the hardcore forum. While they can no longer count on stats helping them survive they must find other ways that wont fit the blasty archetype of the wizard at all. I doubt most bnet users will have much invested in the defensive skills of the wizard for example.So the ones that will know how to play them best will be the hardcore players. Of course since the non blasty wizard wont be able to do as much damage as the blasty ones they will probably gain exp slower and get to experience the fun of seeing their teammates killing all the monsters and leaving them behind.
Your right theeliminator i dont know how vulnerable a blasty wizard will be, but judging from how the overdrive/overextend systems i have played blizzard must balance on a razorblades edge to get it to work optimally.
There are alot of things that can go wrong with such systems.
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