Friday, April 13, 2012

What do you think skill runes will do to the armor skills?

[:1]The wizard is currently set up with 3 armor skills and energy shield, which I'm lumping into this class of skill. Provided below are the descriptions.


Ice Armor

* Description: Surrounds the Wizard in a barrier of ice that increases armor by X%, freezes attackers for X seconds, and causes X-X cold damage. Cold damage chills enemies, slowing their movement and attack speed. You can only be affected by one armor spell at a time.


Diamond Skin

A powerful defensive skill, this absorbs considerable points from all types of damage for a short duration.

* Description: Turns the Wizard's skin to diamond for X seconds absorbing up to X damage from incoming attacks.


Energy Shield

The classic protective skill returns, now trading Arcane Power for damage reduction.

* Description: A protective barrier that absorbs damage, draining arcane power in its place. Absorbs X% of all damage dealt to the Wizard.


Storm Armor

A fire and forget skill, this one shocks enemies with electrical bolts for the duration of effect, without requiring the Wizard to aim or target them.

* Description: Surround yourself in electrical energy. Electric bolts are automatically fired at attackers for X-X lightning damage.

o The Wizard may only use one of the "armor" spells at a time.

Remember, there are 5 skill runes, and there is no reason not to think up exotic, yet awesome, changes given the giant toad making it into the game.

What do you think the skill runes will do to these skills?|||well, mostly duration or radius improvement. cant really see "Ice Armor" shooting lightining.|||In one of the PvP hands on report someone said that Diamond Skin was runed to increased how much damage it could absorbed. As for what other runes might do. It really is anyone's guess. Especially when some of these runes are supposed to change the effects of these skills.(One of these will probably have a rune to set the attacker on fire. Too hot to touch =P.)

Personally MiniMonk thinks that there are too many kinds of 'armor' for the Wizard and that a few of them might be taken out of the game.|||Ice Armor
1) more armor

2) longer duration

3) chance to directly shatter enemies attacking you into chunks of ice

4) chance to cast frost nova on hit

5) periodically shooting tiny frostbolts for minor damage + chill effect at random targets
Diamond Skin
1) higher damage absorption

2) longer duration

3) very short immunity instead of absorption

4) dispel all root/snare/stun/fear effects on use

5) short stun on being attacked (as if encasing the enemy in a thin layer of diamond)
Energy Shield
1) better AP/dmg ratio

2) longer duration

3) more maximum damage absorbed/transfered

4) chance to knockback on being hit (speaking as a physics/mathematics student this would even be the most reasonable effect, because particles/bodies/objects have a general tendency towards areas with a lower (e.g.) energetic potential -> )

5) disorient/confuse debuff on being hit
Storm Armor
1) more armor

2) chance to do electrical overcharge effect on hit -> the enemy hits you, gets electrically overcharged and is knocked back, knocking away other enemies in his path (due to being overcharged ) -> this would look ridiculously awesome

3) minor chain lightning effect on shocks

4) longer duration

5) more damage
just some ideas of the top of my head, some pretty straight-forward and obvious and others maybe a little too scientific . i fell in love with those knockback-effects that have at least some physical background. it would be nice if anyone proposed them in the forums, maybe one of the devs likes the idea.|||Diamond skin was 100 absorb at level 5. With the rune it was 150. I just wish I remembered which rune.

The offensive skills aren't that hard to figure; crimson is almost always more damage, indigo is multishot, and golden is usually lowers cost. (Most of the pvp arena skills were lowers cost, so probably golden, though I didn't write down the runes involved.) Alabaster and Obsidian seem to be usually wildcard.

How that translates to defensive skills is a good question. Which is, of course, Synik's point in making it.

The offensive skills get all kinds of weird stuff from runes, but it's always more dmg, at least in the ones we've seen so far. Odd types of damage and creative ways of granting it, but none of them turn the offensive skill defensive, or healing, or other changes in nature. Will runes turn defensive skills offensive, sometimes? I'd say no, at least not exclusively. The skill should still do more of less what it's supposed to do; it'll just do it better/differently.

So Diamond skill will still absorb damage, but... differently. We know one rune makes it absorb more dmg. one might just lower the cost of use, or increase the duration. What else? It could absorb and reflect dmg back. It could absorb different types of damage; all types of elemental dmg, or just some in particular.

Also, they should all be at least roughly useful. If one absorbs damage and deals damage and washes your car, then that's the one everyone will take. One can't be miles cooler/more effective than the rest. So if one absorbs and deals damage, then I guess it'll have to absorb less than the others.

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