There is a much more rewarding way to stop spamming than cool-downs or severe resource restrictions: just make it ineffective in terms of killing. It is a lot more fun to see your strategy pay off by killing a room full of monsters than it is to see it pay off because you managed to work within the confines of cooldowns or limited resources.
First off, every spell/skill in D3 will have some kind of cooldown, even if its just a fraction of a sec. So cooldowns are not that bad.
Limited resources, aka mana, has been in almost every RPG as a way control spamming of skills.
Both the system you suport and your own have a Limited resource system.
Here is a forum I started for people to post their ideas on different resource systems: Have a look and post your ideas or criticisms.
been there done that.|||If you limit resources too much Diablo becomes something other than Diablo. Diablo is about fast paced action.
If they force the player to constantly switch betwen 4 or 5 differnt spells I don't think players are going to like the results. Keeping track of 4 or 5 differnt timers won't be fun. Not to mention that it will probably be hard to have that many spells that remain effective throughout the game and some spells will be ineffective due to immunities/resistances.
It would be nice to know what sort of system they are planning.|||I don't think watching/managing 4 or 5 different skills is that hard at all. I mean, a D2 tanking barb keeps up Shout, BO, and BC while switching between Concentrate and maybe also Berserk and War Cry, right? They're one of the easiest builds to play as, IMO.
I think that character building and design are the most entertaining part of Diablo 2, more so than the dungeon crawling and item finding. Builds that focus on one or two skills (I'm looking at you, endgame Sorceress) may be the most powerful, but lack variety and eventually are just stale MF machines. I like what Blizzard's doing in their attempt to increase the number of skills used by a given build while using passives to keep early skills useful in the endgame.
But yeah, back to cooldowns. I mentioned in the previous page that it's the system that Sacred uses. I think it could work in Diablo 2, but honestly I probably prefer a more traditional mana system to the Sacred cooldown management. I want to see what Blizzard comes up before I prognosticate too much or whine too hard.|||True but Shout, BO, and BC all have long lasting effects. And if you do some investing (which is definately wise for a beserker) Warcry has a good duration. Mostly the beserker will just have to worry about warcry and beserk. Perhaps taunt to shut down souls/archers and concentrate if he needs to leech mana. A trapper uses a lot of skills but most of those are utility skills rather than skills to kill with. My concern is too much cooldown on skills you need to kill with.
I like Sacred 2 also but I prefer the mana system to cooldowns. We'll have to see what the alternate resource will be for the wizard since only the WD has mana now.|||Quote:
I agree that if they take mana out and use this system, cooldowns would trully be the only way to stop spamming.
Hmmm perhaps, but preventing the wizard from spamming certain spells would actually kinda take away from the gameplay. We all know we love to spam fireballs, novas, and chain lightnings in DII, and that was just hella fun.
Besides, one would have to spend their limited skill points on a larger number of skills in order to have enough offensive spells to be able to cast one different spell after another (well, perhaps this even isn't true, but it's a potential problem this system could eventually face if it was implemented). This would also mean less possible spell combinations in a single character spec.
It would kinda take away something from the gameplay. Of course I'm not saying that this wouldn't appeal to some players, because it would, but for those to whom it wouldn't appeal, there should be a choice. After all, being able to customize your character any way you want was a large part of DII, and DIII should be similar in this regard.|||Preventing always spamming a certain spell and still allowing the wizard continuous casting could be allowed:
Each skilltree uses its own resource. They are all are arranged in a regular triangle.
At first there is a dot in the center of the triangle. Each time a spell is cast the dot moves closer to the accordant corner. Once the dot reaches the edge the wizard have to wait till the dot centers again (maybe some other penalty like unable to move

This way you could still use your favorite skill most of the time along with two high demand support skills.|||Either that or they make the spells so weak that you have to spam your spells until your fingers bleed just to be able to kill effectively...|||I would assume they would do something like this...
Use mana in reverse... As the wizard casts spells her disruption bar slowly fills. If she stops casting it goes away. There is a pro and con for having a high disruption level.
You do extra damage to the monsters. At a full bar you can one shot almost any non-end boss.
Your defenses are lowered. At a full bar you will be one-shot by almost everything.
This would turn her into the glass cannon the devs talked about earlier.
- Jerich
As for Monk, he could have a bar that decreases when he is near enemies and increases when he is away from enemies. The bar boosts damage. This would turn him into the hit and run character the devs envision.
For the unannounced ranged class, she could have to do a reload ammunition ability that gives her a set number of shots of a specific type. This fills her bar and should be enough to kill almost everything if used right. It would require the type of planning that this type of character should use.
Now all of the classes have their own system.=P
Edit: Now that I reread the OP I realized that their idea is similar to mine.=P I think this one is less complicated however, and would work better. You don't want to force someone to cast low level spells just so they can cast their high level ones later.|||I have an idea. Instead of making the wizard essentially a machine gun that can overheat make the final class a technology class that uses machine guns. You can give that class the overheating "perk" and make the gun jam or even explode if he actually uses it to kill stuff too much.
Having a wizard that has to stop using spells and retreat until the "spell colldown bar" is green just sucks. Much better to put that "perk" on a technology character.
Oh, and let's make the barbarian's weapon explode if he swings it too many times without a 30 second pause.
And the witch doctor's zombie dogs will refuse to come out to play if he tries to summon them too many times within a two minute timeframe.
In fact, why not have a timer that automatically teleports all players back to town every two minutes and puts them in bed unable to move for five minutes.|||Quote:
I have an idea. Instead of making the wizard essentially a machine gun that can overheat make the final class a technology class that uses machine guns. You can give that class the overheating "perk" and make the gun jam or even explode if he actually uses it to kill stuff too much.
Having a wizard that has to stop using spells and retreat until the "spell colldown bar" is green just sucks. Much better to put that "perk" on a technology character.
Oh, and let's make the barbarian's weapon explode if he swings it too many times without a 30 second pause.
And the witch doctor's zombie dogs will refuse to come out to play if he tries to summon them too many times within a two minute timeframe.
In fact, why not have a timer that automatically teleports all players back to town every two minutes and puts them in bed unable to move for five minutes.
Guns don't do more damage as you overheat them. Nothing to keep you from being at full charge the entire time... if you are careful, you should be ok.
- Jerich
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