I agree that we need the non stereotypical Wizard, but I feel like what they implemented in the game is far from their vision in the artwork. If they could reach the level of "badassness" in this pic, they would kill it!
Looking at the wizard in the concept art, when i imagine him looking down, he still has a level of bad-***-ness to him, and i think this is due to the more masculine jawline and lack of strange headgear.
I was pretty amped to play a male wizard, and when i saw the concept art i was like "oh yeah, that's awesome!!" then i saw the in-game model, and though it wasn't bad, it did take away from that bad-***-ness seen in the concept art. I've turned my attention to the Monk now..|||I like the young appearance. I don't want to play a decrepit old man (even if he'd be a super powerful wise arch mage).
I think it fits the wizard's overall feel too. He is agile, quick witted, and able to dish out huge damage extraordinarily fast, but at the same time he's fragile and somewhat of a glass cannon.
I'm very interested in the armor sets they've got planned for him. I was never too crazy about the sorc armor sets in d2 (since pretty much everyone used vmagi with its boring green robes) and shako or a circlet (equally boring in appearance). Hopefully they stick with the agile theme and keep the armors lightweight. A bulky wizard would just look odd.|||the new male and female wizard appearance doesn't really look that Asian anymore. at most you can call it pseudo asian. but they basically look like dark haired Caucasians now|||Quote:
the new male and female wizard appearance doesn't really look that Asian anymore. at most you can call it pseudo asian. but they basically look like dark haired Caucasians now

Hm. I don't know, brotha. I've spent my entire life around Asians, and they look pretty Asian to me.

Hm. I don't know, brotha. I've spent my entire life around Asians, and they look pretty Asian to me.

those are the old models!
look at their newer portraits at the arena.
you can argue they look they look pseudo Asian( as in have a small vib) but they no doubt don't look like your standard east Asian person.|||Quote:
those are the old models!
look at their newer portraits at the arena.
you can argue they look they look pseudo Asian( as in have a small vib) but they no doubt don't look like your standard east Asian person.
The portraits are drawings, so there is a chance the models still look like before|||Quote:
The portraits are drawings, so there is a chance the models still look like before
if you remember bashiok said right before blizzcon that all the in game models had been redone a bit. this was initially asked because it was clear with the armor sets that the female barbarian had changed, but bashiok confirmed it for all the classes. the models up on the official diablo 3 site are the older ones still.
like these links:|||Quote:
if you remember bashiok said right before blizzcon that all the in game models had been redone a bit. this was initially asked because it was clear with the armor sets that the female barbarian had changed, but bashiok confirmed it for all the classes. the models up on the official diablo 3 site are the older ones still.
That's true, look how pretty the fem Barb had become

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