The Conjuring
Black Majik
Dark Hat
Kain|||Mary ^^
In D2 I tend to give my chars descriptive names based on the skills they're using or the jobs the're performing like 'Transporter' for a Rush Sorc.
In Single Player games like Baldur's Gate I choose foreign or heroic sounding names.
My male Palladin actually was named Faithguard or my female Wizard Aiona.
But in D2 alas it is more technically and will be so in D3, too, I fear

Haydar (male) if looks well-built|||I'll probably start with a Wizard. And I will definatly call him Nortrom.|||I'll try for Gandalf the White|||adabra, deemond, pure, dremon, shantai, shanti, gandi lol!|||IsThatARabbitInYourPocket

These suck... oh well, at least I have my Barb name ready: Immoral King.|||I have several names to play with, and I'll be playing a female wizard in order to keep with the tradition of DII

Here's one: Ninive.
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