
Wow, that's a pretty good wizard name!


That one too.

Since I'm going with her obvious Chinese inspiration, I'm thinking something like Leifeng 雷凤 (Thunder Phoenix) or Weihua 危花 (Dangerous Flower). Those are literal translations, though.|||Something funny and simple that people will notice such as :
And I plan on playing male btw|||Some female names i seem to use in various games over the years are:
Ellahna, Ellana, Ellanua
Sareva, Sarevia, Sarevah
Yahna, Yana, Jahna
Inita, Irana, Initah
I think they're both feminine and fantady like.
Some magic:the gathering names I really like, but wil never use because i didn't come up with them, are: Linessa, Chandra, Orim, Alexi|||Eilistraee for female,
Kaeros for male.
These harken back to the names I used to use in old MUDs i used to play...|||I'll probably try and get and for my female and male wizard. If it's going to be my first... well I doubt it. Not going to reveal my first chars name, which will at this point be a female wizard :P|||AssBlaster :P|||I'd call her "Manu" or "Xenchen". Both names refer to my wife, who certainly can match her power with wizards, mages and sorceresses alike

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